“Action and reaction, ebb and flow, trial and error, change – this is the rhythm of living. Out of our over-confidence, fear; out of our fear, clearer vision, fresh hope. And out of hope, progress.” – Bruce Barton
Pain – yes. Aches – yes. Broken sleep – yes. Its going to be a quick one tonight folks as wrong Attitude – yes – is also there!! I am so bloody over the day after bloody day of waking like this – 1 f’n day is all I ask for before it ends, to be a full sleep, no waking for any reason, and then waking without pain, and have a great good day, without any side effects, crap or anything else that life can throw at me arriving to spoil it. Unfortunately as you may have gathered this was not to be today! The Chemo is still impacting on me even though I finished it on Friday, and will continue for several more days yet. Up early as off to the zoo today and want to make a full day of it. So no cuppas in bed – just meds swallowed and through the shower.
The boys are playing up merry hell this morning, which is tiring in itself. Eventually all packed in the car and get there in time to meet the others. Have a good full day and have a nice picnic lunch – even manage to eat a little bit. Then say good byes, and hit the road to home. Had some peace from the boys at times while at the Zoo but home again and they’re at war again – ahh God give me the strength to resist sending them to you!!
As you may have gathered I am not in a playful mood today – in fact it could be said that I am in the mood for burning bridges, telling people what I really thing of them and not give a flying one about the consequences as I’m in a position of not really having to care, I only have to put up with the fall out for a short time. I’ve also, unfairly, had a practice run on the family this morning. Oh yes and the forked tongue is out and lashing those nearby. Any takers out there? Actually manage to calm it and be civil bordering on nice for about 4 hours. Also stupid me forgot to take my high strength pain killer that I have to take every 12 hours with me. And they are due at 10:30am! Don’t get to take them until 5:30pm. So spend most of the day gritting teeth and sucking up pain from everywhere! Bloody cancer – do this to me and still get to win the fight too.
Have I ever told you that not only does is suck and scare the crap out of you having cancer (I think I hide the scared bit well, as you don’t need to know or see it). But when it is Terminal, every bad day, especially from now on, becomes a day of deciding if the quality of life I have is worth the continued punishment that you have to endure. It still messes with my head that I am making myself so ill just to get a little ‘better’ though I use that term loosely, but the ultimate is to buy some time off the cancer, so I’m here to annoy you all a bit more. But it’s not just the pain, it’s the shitty attitude swings that come along with it. Happy one minute, then foul tempered the next, then back to sad, then maybe absolutely ecstatic. Not always does it happen like this, as you get the happy day where nothing will phase you, then days like today’s – finger at the world and bring it on. I was going through this last night – happy then, sad then happy, then bed mood, then happy, then really bad mood later on when I woke one of the times. Thankfully no one was there to deal with that one, cause I had gone past seeing red to everything being black.
Well one day I won’t be worrying about mood swings, pain or blogging, what clothes shall I wear today or anything like that. You can all go back to your lives – blog free. I’m not saying soon, but it is the reality of it. And in a way I’ll be glad as it means an end to watching the pain that it is causing people along the way. It is just so bloody hard to even begin describing what it is like been in this position, know that it has only one outcome. One day I’ll find the right words to describe it. I know I have tried but unless you can go the whole hog and place yourself completely and utterly in my shoes, then I think you will not even be scratching the surface. I some times wake thinking that I have just had the most bizarre dreams until I run my hand over my head and feel the hole in it. That is a hell of a reality check and wake up call. If you want to try to imagine it, also throw in the mix of things to factor, checking your life insurance is all up to date, where do you want to be buried, cremation or burial, how you would like the funeral to go, pall bearers, coffin type, and party afterwards (after all the first 3 letters of funeral is fun, and it is a celebration of life and how that person lived, and the sharing of memories with each other). OK so you could just take the easy way out and leave it to others to sort out for you – but you have been gifted this extra time to allow for you to lift the pressure off those that will be tasked with this, and also they have done enough work in supporting you already and will be emotionally, mentally and probably physically drained. Wouldn’t it be nice to know that your one last gift to those people is knowing they just need to make a couple of phone calls, and it will all fall into place for them, so they can get on starting their new journey in life easily. Maybe it’s just me showing the caring side and thinking of others, but unless I do it, I doubt I would rest in peace, so to speak.
Rightly enough dribble – I feel so much better for it though so thank you for enduring with the ramble and a half tonight. Manage to eat a medium sized dinner and feel better for everything. Probably lack of food has not helped things at all. Then sit down to do the blog – really was going to skip it tonight as not in a very good place to write, but feel better for doing so. Hope all have a better day than I and are now having a relaxing time getting ready for the week. If you’re in Canterbury then remember it is a short week – yahoo!! And Mark- I don’t think you could smuggle a new Jet-Ski past Kylie (all I can picture is the guy in the TV ad trying to convince his wife they need a bigger boat). If you’ve text me then I am going to reply to them soon – sorry. Have a fantastic Monday all.
Kia Kaha.