3 Too Many

sATURDAY 16 March Ramble

I am now mobile in a pushed wheelchair (not self propelleed(asI have no way of I know I said I’d update more but in reality  the ironic part of all this needing to slow down I am finding that I have lesstime. Thursday =a very wobbly  day on my feet(which is almost evryday now, which isn’t nice for anyone, and called for assisitance from my work colleaguges-thank you so muchforgetting me out from under my desk. guysSaturday started with a simple act of having a shave then ending uptaking an improptue sideways dive into an empty bath!Ouch!!not goodon a buggered back. let alone allowing for assistance to be rendered=Once again Jacob &Sue do a Sterling job of hauling me out of trouble- esp. Jacobfor getting me up again. from under the taps.Mum stops by for a visit and helps take care 0f me thereby giving Sue a break.Wendy Stops by and Sue and Wends and the dogs go for a walk at the park.Mum stops by for a visit snd helps take care of me as Idrop for fall 4 today!!Mum works for Nurse Maude so knows how to handle special cases like me apprently.



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Thursday 14 March Ramble

WELL HELLO AGAIN,I know it has been a while since I’ve posted to the blog, and I’ll keep thisbrief so hopefully you’ll understand and appreciate why.

First up I have only one finger to type with as Wison means that I can’t type 2 fingered or ‘normal ‘ per sue’Al last night I had an 8 minute long siezure – these tire you out quickly  and sleeping in lounge(due to mine and Sue’s (- bad backs!) isnt helping either. and then along with one of my meds which knocks you out within minutes too so I cant win basically.  this is along with the general busyness of life and there is little time for anything.  also having constant pain in my head and back, I took 2 falls on Wednesday- . Learnt to drive a walking frame, giving in to modesty and using a walking stick now to get around. I will do a full week blog tomorrow to fill in the details- but I’m here still- somewhat modesty beaten down.till then take care.

Kia Kaha.




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Monday 11 March Ramble- good news in a way day.

“Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.” – Maori Proverb

Fairly settled sleep by my standards, probably due to the amount of pain killers that I had to consume yesterday to be able to get through the day. Put it this way I was comfortably numb! It’s the best place to be.  Though the fog from yesterday is still hanging over me so work from home seen as I’m also very wobbly on my feet again today. Talk to Nurse Maude about the weekend events and they are going to call me tomorrow to go over things a bit more. Sue gets home and we get ready to had of to the head off you the hospital to get the results of last week’s MRI SCANS from the oncology specialist. The meeting goes extremely well.and the news is double headed so I will try to paint full picture now for you.  But the best news is that it is still 3 to many, as in there is not a number 4 tumor now growing as could of been a possibility.  But the big mofo has been active and has grown in size since the scan at the beginning of December. This growth is what has caused Wilson to start the misbehaving again. With the bad tissue pushing on the good which causes misfire of the brain.The second biggest thing today is that the pain in my back has been mis diagnosed from my last scan where we were told that the cancer had spread from my brain to the sheath on  my spine.  What was showing there is now not visible and the only thing they can see that is causing back pain is a slipped disc.

So there you have it – a good and bad day in a way but I’m smiling so will take the victory,  hope that you’ve all had a good news day too Take care all – I am :-)

Kia Kaha.

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Sat 9 & Sun 10 March

Well another weekend has past in our world, with a new set of adventures.

Ant woke on Saturday morning following a standard night of lack of sleep.  Unfortunately his balance was not flash, and he was dragging his left foot when walking.  We have made the decision to move ourselves to the down stairs bedroom for his safety and my peace of mind.  I pop across town to NM to grab a walking frame for Ant, while this is useful it also proves to be a little interesting as Wilson doesn’t always want to be helpful.  Had planned to head to the V8s today, but flag this due to Ants ‘wobbles’, and have a day at home.  Ro and Andy come over for afternoon drinks and nibbles, and end up staying for dinner (great to catch up!) and watch the rugby with us.  Kids spend the evening playing footy in the back yard, love the warm evenings.

Sunday Ants balance is a little better than yesterday.  Get up and organised, Jacob is part of a team having a friendly footy game against St Bedes.  Head to Halswell to meet up with all,  and then all head over to St Bedes.  Get there, Ants head pain is quickly getting worse.  Just prior to kick off we make the decision to take him home (thanks Nutty for having the boys for us).  Get home and Ant goes for a lay down as his pain has gone from a 4-6 to about an 8, I then spend the next two hours getting his pain under control (and baking choc chip cookies!).  Needless to say, when Ant appeared in the kitchen (as the first tray had just come out of the oven – fresh baking can’t keep him down, especially choc chip cookies!), he looked far better than when we had got homej.

Nutty appears with boys, a great win we hear!! Just sorry we missed their first game of the season, but that’s just the way of things some days.  Feed all and then head down to Halswell for Lachlan’s footy trial and for Ant to catch up with his team who are also playing a friendly today.  I run away for a wee bit with Jacob, head back to find Ant, Craig, Shane, Guy and Fish having a fat chat in the club room bar!  Giving each other the normal amount of stick! Eventually we head for home for a low key evening.  Hope you have all had a great weekend, and that the week ahead is smooth running! Take care.

Sue with some sub-editing by me! :-)

Kia Kaha.

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Friday 8 March Ramble

Firstly sorry for the tardiness. Have had that much of Draining week that i can’t write anything let alone stay conscious long enough to output something of Legible sense.
Yes it has been a full on week for me and those around mand it has caught up fully with me. Quiet day at work. Thanks again for you help today Alison and Bernard. Sue collects me about 1:15 and we head home via the boys school to get them as they want to be picked up we stop by the supermarket to pick up some basics as the Booths are coming to watch the super rugby tonight and to have an easy dinner-  is going well until I get to my seat in the sun then fatigue and sleep get hold of me oh and th exhaustion of getting thru the past week hits me. What a week it’s been too. I’ve been strappeded l into an MRI scanner for 3 hours. Then losing started having regular spasms of my leftside aka Wilson. Also the emotional hell of dealing with the loss of capable use of my  limbs. @ left

 Anyway, we make a call to just watch the rugby and if you want to come down pleased that that do. the take care till tomorrow. watch as  then it’ll be good to see you. Can’t manage to stay awake- sorry guys. Wake again not long after they leave but not for long. Head to bed and sleep.
Kia Kaha.
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Thursday 7 March Ramble

“Don’t knock on death’s door. Hit the doorbell and run.He hates that.” – unknown. 

Taking back pain pills (that make you sleepy) 3 hours before you’re due to get up, doesn’t do the old absence seizures effect much good.

In fact it knocked me down that flat for the morning at work that I may as well had a pillow and duvet and slept on the couches in the office. What a bloody struggle of a day to stay lively. Result of a sad crappy sleep. Went through the emotional wringer last night, had trouble breathing several times, wake up feeling like I’m drowning ads my chest feels too to tight. Why the emotional crap? Cause I’m bloody sick of surrendering more and more of my life to these tumours. Everyday I notice a little more of my independence gone, something that I could do yesterday is now a battle to do! Then my back adds its pain.

Wake about 6 am feeling exhausted and with my bloody head thumping- no surprises there. Head down to get some good pain killers. Then get ready for the day or is that do battle with the day, and everything in it. Walk into work. Stand in the lift wondering why it’s not going anywhere then realise that I haven’t swapped my access card – doh! Swap my card and get to my floor. Sit down- well flop downm more like, and honestly nearly collapse. Have a good morning and manage to last it through. Aladdin and Bernard help me out with spring my lunch – thanks guys.. glad I didn’t send food flying trying to eat as usual. Nice to have great friends and colleagues that will take care of you when you need a little help, or talk to you when you just need an ear to listen to you. Especially now that I have a growing need on others for assistance. I still Try to make light of things and hate asking for help, so I’ll say sorrynow if  I get snappy when /if you offer help. It is just frustration raring it’s ugly head, and as I’ve always been an independent sort of person, it makes the backlash worse sometimes I think. Sue picks me up about 1pm and we head home.I  Have a snooze in the sun  for about 4 – hours. Dad delivercalls to see how I am and how all are both myself and the family. Take the boys to footy practice then go round to fridge and Nutty’s for a coffee and chat. Back to collect the lads. Then home for dinner. And blog. Watch some tv and get through the blog. Have you had a good day? Hope so as you just never known what shit life is going to throw at you,and I think I’m proof enough of that statement. Take care. Make plans, have fun. And be good at it.  Happy Birthday Craig!! Cheers,  hope you’re having a couple of quiets and your ladies have spoilt you today.

Kia Kaha.

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Wednesday 6 March Ramble

“Go for it now. The future is promised to no one.” ~Wayne Dyer

Wow that sleep had to rate as one of the most restless on record. What’s going on in the universe that is causing so much unrest – I know my bloody back. Even had a strange dream that we had a letter staying that we couldn’t use the log burner anymore – guess what- a letter arrived stating the very same, but addressed and delivered to our neighbour’s and was dropped off by them this arvo.  How freaky is that! Up about 6 am feeling like I’ve had no sleep at all. Head downstairs to make cuppa tea and breakfast. Wake the boys on the way past. Then get ready for the day. Pile into the car and head into work. It is getting harder to walk in to work too. Bloody legs are getting sloppy, so it may be necessary to use the stick soon to get around. Yes it will mean sucking up my pride to do it but if it means I am safe and steady on my feet and most importantly not tiring as quickly then it would have to be classified as a victory. Quiet day at work. Bernard and I head around to Re:Start for a coffee and a chat. What an awesome day. Head back to work. Sue picks me up about 1 pm and we head home but stop of quickly to pickup the boys new footy boots- they will be wrapped as they’re hanging out for them. Feel shattered but manage to stay awake and lively. It seems that there is a misunderstanding about this too. While it appears that I have gone to sleep in fact I am having an absence seizure a bit. The seizures I have are called absence seizures – go on Google it.They are real and resemble falling asleep. But I can actually hear still and are usually aware of my surroundings. So if you see me of with the fairies then please leave me as I am probably having a seizure. It won’t cause any adverse reactions but please don’t think that I’m grabbing 20 winks because I can. Also with the crappy sleep that I’m having it is possible that I am snoozing, but don’t tell anyone as the boss reads  these blogs -doh!!Fish calls to see if I want to join the others at the club rooms, but pass on the offer as not going to well today. Thanks Fish. Will see you all on Sunday at the game.

Have dinner and start the blog watching some TV. M&D time and head for bed to read. Wilson objects to this and throws the computer tablet down the stairs. I’m surprised it hasn’t broken really as on Saturday he threw the tablet on the driveway! Also hard to believe that this time 1 year ago I was in Dunedin getting ready to have my Botox treatment as part of the clinical trial for the SUNCT migraines that I used to suffer. It is the Botox that we thought had caused the effects on my face, etc, that we now know was in fact the tumors. Very fond memories of that last trip, as had not long had the Typhoon Falcon. An incredibly fun trip. And the last time I could drive. Unfortunately we know what the story is from there on. Hope all have had a lovely day and it has been full of smiles. Take care all.
 Kia Kaha.
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Tuesday 5 March Ramble

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”-  Jim Rohn

Bloody sleep again stuffed up. Feeling very tired and out of sorts, which I said yesterday seems to be part of my new normal. I need to muster all the strength I can today tired our not as i have the big scan starting at 10am had a strange dream at about 4 am when I dosed of at the table. The biggest thing that pees me of with Wilson is the jamming of fingers, in doors, drawers, etc. And as I can’t feel that it is hurting, only usually notice the fact that it’s stuck when I go to move my arm and can’t. There is no pain when I jam the limbs and attachments as I can’t feel anything through them anyway. Getting sick of burning myself and going to walk off from a cupboard or something  only to find that my hand is jammed in the door, which stops you in your tracks quickly! Have to laugh really as go to innocently walk of then it’s like I get yanked back as my hand is wedged in a door by the fingers.

Wake up about 6:15am then get the boys up. Down and make a cuppa tea and breakfast. And take my meds. Sue takes the boys to school while I get ready for the day. I’ve got a big MRI scan to be done on my neck and head today at 10am so are staying home today. When I say big they have said that the scan will go for about 2 hours compared with the MRI usual 30-45 mins it takes. Get dropped off for the scan, they tell us it’ll be about an hour or so, when I go through they then tell me about 2-3 hours. Whatever the time it takes I just hope that they get the answers they need from these scans, though it takes a while for them to read and analyse them, not in a hurry anyway as I’m living with it each day and pickup what’s changing so don’t really need to have pictures to tell me. Normally don’t have issues with MRI scans but as this is about to start they tell me I’m in for about 2½ hours scanning time in total. It fair takes it out of you an you get heated up inside the machine, so come out sweating and feeling absolutely exhausted.  Even the scan staff were complimentary of the fact that I had managed to make it through 3 hours of scanning! Head home and rest up as per the instructions of the scan staff, doze off then for about 3 hours as shattered. Managed to hold off 2 spasms today, I am starting to be able to recognise when one is about to come on so can head them off with the magic spray. Sarah,Richard and Jayden come over for tea and a catch up. Have a great evening, and shared loads of laughs. Nice to have family evenings like this. Get the blog done, watch some tv, do some brain training of Wilson in an attempt to make him useful again. Feel a spasm coming on so get Lachlan down to have a turn at giving me spray in case he is the only one with me if i need help urgently. He handles it well and understand why and best of all asks questions which are really good. Blog done. Time to post blog then M&D time and bed. Hope all have had a fantastic day and less torturous than mine. Back to the office tomorrow, so normality of sorts. Take care all till tomorrow. Also to all those that have left messages or called, we’ll be in touch soon, just been really busy here and tired.
Kia Kaha.
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Monday 4 March Ramble

“I used to like my neighbours, until they put a password on their Wi-Fi :)” – Unknown

Quick update today as my head has given me hell today so no work. Probably due to a crappy sleep as usual between my back and head at the moment I’m really getting dragged through wringer, but I’ve accepted this. And the crappy feeling is just the weekend catching up with me. It honestly feels like a bad hangover.

Well I hope that after tomorrow’s MRI get the real answers that I need about everything especially my head and back, even if it means getting some better meds and a way to sleep. Wake about 6am feeling like hell, and only go downhill from there. Crawl back to bed and pass out then until midday. Wake feeling very out of sorts and unstable on my feet, which by the way is starting to become almost a normal feature. Have a very slow arvo trying to stay on my feet and out of trouble.

Boys get home, happy and in great spirits which is nice to see and hear. Get ready then to head out as going to Pam and Karl’s for dinner as Nevil and Rose are in town. Have a lovely evening – well as good as you can have when you’re not feeling brilliant,and are escourted by Wilson. The food was yummy, and company very nice. Thanks too for the vegetables Karl. Head home then blog and continue the strange feelings. Left arm and face have a full on spasm just before posting the blog but manage to get it under control. Still don’t like them as they frighten me that I’m going to knock some thing over or hurt myself or someone. So there you have it a very sedate Monday finished with a spasm. I hope you’ve had a sedate Monday too and it hasn’t been too frantic. ‘Take care all.

Kia Kaha.

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Sunday 3 March Ramble

“If you are going through hell, keep going.” – Winston Churchill

Welcome to another sleepless Sunday – well for me it was a nasty broken sleep. At least I was able to head off and get help and importantly At least it didn’t happen in the middle of the night which would’ve made it more scary. So clock on another 4 hours sleep for last night to the weekly total and I think once now manned about 20 hours grand total. No wonder it feel like a bloody zombie! Oh well this is how it is and shall be, then so be it. I’ve had to learn to give and take a bit with this illness so some sleep is really nothing.

 Wake about 8 am and get meds, breakfast, etc. Then get ready for the day. Bloody Wilson is giving me grief today. It is like my arm/hand is paralysed. The brain keeps telling me that I am holding something in it, so I will go to let it go or put it down but there is nothing there. Just my brain playing tricks on me. Bloody tricky tumors, very clever though. Still for the cleverness of it it doesn’t make it any easier  to try to shower or shave our dry yourself as you can’t hold things like soap or towels, etc. Enough moaning already. Full on footy day for the boys today. )  first up at 10am so down for his 2 hours of Dad calls for a quick chat then we head off. Jacob has a good practice, well i was told he did. Fridge and Nutty take me over to the vicarage for a coffee. Thanks guys – had a great morning. Collect Jacob and a mate of his Josh.then head for home and lunch. Out the door then for Lachlans turn. D drop n him of then head to shopping mall to get some bits. Get back and are teweold that Lachlan has had a brilliant practice and given it all. He even looks like he has, and judging by how fast he’s gone down tonight, he had.   Good lad, he promised to try his hardest and has delivered.  Head for home. Sue heads out for a walk with Wendy. Lachlan and I get dinner on. Sandra stops by to collect Josh as well, has a catch up then heads off. Sue gets home and finishes making dinner. Yummy dinner but the highlight had to be the Apple pie that Aubrey baked for us on Saturday how many people have a landscape gardener that also doubles as a basket. Thanks for the pie Aubrey very very nice indeed. I do my best to not give in to the sleep monster. And keep my meds going in at the right time in at the right time as the head is hurting now to and I’m not thinking quite straight. Graeme calls and we have a good catch up. Cheers G. M&D time and bed. Bets taken on how many hours sleep tonight? Any takers? 3 hours total? Anyway hope you’ve all had a brilliant day, and fun weekend. Rest up as the week is nearly here. Take care all.


Kia Kaha

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