3 Too Many

Friday 30 November Ramble

“The tooth fairy teaches children that they can sell body parts for money.” -David Richerby

“If you feel like doing some work, sit down and wait… The feeling does go away.” – Unknown

Sorry folks for the late publishing of the blog tonight. Not long home and been dealing with computer issues so had to resolve them first. Let’s start with this morning. Wake in fairly much the normal state – pain. Nothing new to report on that front, as it is always there now, in fact if I wake painfree I think I would be more worried. up and take meds, make a cuppa, you know the routine. Shave head, cut self, get ready to face the day without any further self inflicted injury. Then into car and battle off to work. We have Roh as a special guest passenger today as it is her work Xmas lunch and doing the wise thing and not driving, just incase she indulges in a couple to many. Others please heed her lead in this as I want you all here reading the blog still at Xmas.

Throw Lachie out on Lincoln Road to cross to school. Then me out by the Police Station – obviously not wanted for anything as they didn’t grab me going past. Pleasant walk into the office – bloody cold, but refreshing. Get into see my fellow inmates, sorry Caregivers, sorry Colleagues and their smiling faces. Decide that a bit of light humor is needed just so they know the old Tony is still in this messed up head. In lieu of numerous other objects that have adorned my head – including rubber gloves, inflated rubber gloves and my green wig (was destroyed in The Press building) I have brought along a rubber thing – no bloody idea what it’s called. I proceed to place said thing on to my head then watch the reaction. That is a
the fun part for me – watching people smile. It just makes you feel good! Lots of laughs, stupid looks and pics, but it worked! Fun Friday. Day proceeds on,and a call sorry, group consensus is reached that Jono and I will go and get KFC for lunch. Eat far too much, but then I’m now boasting under 80 kgs so can afford the odd bad meal days. Sue then collects me and we head home. I feeling worse for wear and overly full – I know self inflicted, so try to keep going but feeling incredibly weak like I’m going to collapse at anytime. Make sure that I’m holding on to things as I walk too to be safe. Not resorting to my walking stick yet, but it does cross my mind. So go and sit, then lay in the sun in the bay window. Sleep grabs me quickly and manage to bake for about 40 our so minutes before waking again. Feeling a lot better after that. Over did it this morning and do going to pay. Oh what the hell I’ve had a great morning.

The boys get home and Jacob is brimming as he has achieved a 4.09 average for the part week, so deal on with him and he can choose his reward. Bloody KFC! Won’t be today though. We head off to indoor footy for Lachie, as I am feeling that I shouldn’t be left alone. He scored 2 goals in their 7-2 win. Well done matey. Then off to visit Nutty and Fridge and families. End up staying for dinner as well F&C’s – I’m having a real bad food day. So bloody what. I not exactly worried about it going to kill me as we know I’ve got other things working on that. An enjoyable fun evening with lots of laughs. Thanks guys, as nice to end the day as it stated. Mark this as a good day – check!

Last night on TV there was an article about the wigs they have made for cancer patients mainly Women whom loose their hair. And how they are looking for donations of hair – now before you go yeah baldy here is going to give some of his hair (minimum they need is 20cm) I do have my Platt of my hair which I had in my 20’s, which is about 30cms long.Yes I did actually have hair and a lot of it too. So I’m seriously thinking I’ll donate it if they want. Would be neat to give something to the fighters that need some help. As one of the ladies said, to have a wig and hair brings such a morale boost to your self confidence as cancer is such a public illness in the physical form of it (hair loss, weight loss, tied look) in that you can pick a cancer patient out easily. And with a wig it helps recover the dignity that gets stripped from you for fighting for your life. I can relate with that, as I have mentioned early on. It was one of my biggest gripes with treatment when I lost my hair that I would look like a cancer patient and get that stupid pitifullook from people. If you ever do it then stop it now! I know I don’t want pity, I want normality as I am still part of the human race like you. And I didn’t choose this ending. It has happened and it is happening and I can deal with it, but save the pity look for the sick child as I don’t want it. There, grumble over with.

Well it’s late – thanks steroids for the food today,and keeping me awake enough to write this. Now push off as I’m going to try to sleep. Hopeall have had a very good Friday, and have a wonderful weekend planned. First day of summer here and meant to get to 25 Saturday though it is currently sitting on 2 degrees. Be good, be careful, and have some fun. Till tomorrow :-)

Here’s a little parting picture from Friday mornings antics. Enjoy!



I had my thinking cap on at work this morning so a pic was in order.

Kia Kaha.

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Thursday 29 November Ramble

” Eagles may soar in the clouds, but weasels never get sucked into jet engines” – Anonymous
Firstly I understand that some people are having issues with the blog  not showing the latest postings.  If that’s the case and you hear of it, then have them try to do a SHIFT+F5 to refresh the page.  The blogs are all there and I haven’t missed any – so please stop worrying folks, I’m still hear very much kicking, but maybe hurting a bit more than previously.
Well another day another pain.  But to start with – bed, and out like a light until 6:30 this morning. No recollection of waking at all during the night – probably all the drugs I could manage.  Woke with a head ache and some body pain but nothing like last night.  Drag myself out of bed as feeling tired, but not going to mope around the house today, so get ready to head to work.
Drop Lachie off and I got hit with the bloody head pain – really stop in the track sort of pain.  Have another 2 attacks like this (they last about 2-5 mins) before getting out of the car to walk to work.  Have a good morning – setting up my loaner iPhone as my one has an issue – and fighting off the head pains.  At least not feeling ill really today, but then I am staying away from food.  Hang in there until I get picked up about 1pm as fading off a bit today.  Throat sore to from all the stomach evicting last night.
Get home and rest up as feeling stuffed and sore.  Lachie arrives home, and his turn for an incident today.  He wiped off on his scooter in the rain going around into the park, so arrives home alright thankfully, but muddy and soaking, so after the complimentary – sorry obligatory, Dad check over for injuries and a cuddle, then is dispatched to the shower to clean up.  Sue gets home with Jacob and takes Lachie off to dancing. 
Have dinner, light the fire as bloody cold, and sit down to watch TV and fall asleep promptly.  That’s because the random act of sleeping has taken over again.  Sue wakes me about an hour later to say Nick and Viv are coming over for a visit.  Manage to wake up and be sociable.  Great to see you both and have a catch up.
Sit down to do the blog and try to get comfortable again as the stomach and back pain has kicked in again.  Just noticed it’s M&D time and I will be indulging tonight as bloody sore still. So cheers!  Hope all have had a good day and loads of fun.   Another short and sweet one tonight but that’s probably because I don’t tend to think that deeply when I’m hurting – funny that!
Kia Kaha.
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Wednesday 28 November Ramble

“Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have – life itself.” – Walter Anderson

Hard time getting to sleep last night – thanks to the steroids.  Though I woke feeling average.  Little did I know what a cunning plan my body has against the steroids.  Get up about 6:30 and make a cuppa and have morning meds.  Get ready for the day.  Jacob returns home as he got nudged by a car pulling out a driveway and it hit him and didn’t stop.  Stupid cow.  The kind man behind her stopped to check on Jacob as she drove off.  He has a bruised knee and was shaken – but thankfully nothing worse.  Head off then to drop him at school and me at work. 

Feeling average still, as I arrive at work.  Feel hungry thanks to my steriod mates, so have a bite to eat, then it starts – the reaching and then vomiting.  See this is my bodies cunning plan – to evict out all the food that the steroids are wanting to put in.  Then the pain kicks in – all over but mainly stomach and back pain. And the random act of falling asleep is back too – but has been there since this morning.  Make the call for help from Sue, and head home as I can’t function like this.

Call the Hospital Oncology dept, and go over the symptoms with them, and they tell me to stay home and to just up the pain killer meds and rest up.  I do exactly that and feel a bit better – not sure if it’s because of the rest or increased pain meds.  Get up later on and have some dinner.  Jenny then calls over for a visit.  Sorry I wasn’t much company as not to well.

I spend the next 3 hours throwing up and in agony – to put it bluntly.  Pain finally start to ease up a bit, so try to blog quickly between visits o the small room to vomit.  So really short and sweet (or is that sickly sweet ;-) ) tonight.  About to do M&D time then bed, as I am absolutely flattened today.  Hope all have had a good day.  Take care stay well.

Kia Kaha.

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Tuesday 27 November Ramble

“Things happen to you to make you realize your true potential, strength, will power, and heart. Have faith and stay strong!” – Unknown
Steroids and other meds all on board I still managed to get about 6 1/2 hours sleep – thank goodness.  Woke very sore and Jacob had to go get my meds for me as I could hardly move.  Take meds then give them about 20mins to work.  Mange to get up and make a cuppa and get ready for the day.  Feeling fairly lively though for  everything going on.
Been thinking about some comments and chats that I have had over the past week or so.  One has been about how I write the blog.  As in how open (sometimes to much) it is.  Well how else would it be?  I guess I write it as if I was keeping a personal diary, except that others can see it.  I mean it is toned down else I would probably loose half the readers.  it is written freely to so that if any other brain Tumor warriors stubble on it they can understand that they are not alone in their suffering or fight.  That there is more of us out there, and while I doubt your tumor(s) are not the same they are similar in what they will be doing to you, your family and friends.  Just remember you are never alone, even in your darkest places we are here for you.  And don’t give up no matter how hard the fight, sure adjust treatment if need be, but don’t stop fighting in yourself. 
Another thing I have been discussing is about how come I don’t get angry about what is happening to me.  Firstly, answer me this – who do you get angry at for it?  I can’t think of anyone, thing or act that has brough on my illness and while I could query my religion I can’t really, as if not me then who would get this?  I know it is easy to say some prisoner or some one to who deserves it but who are we to decide who that is?  It is biological, caused by some rouge cells that have done this to me.  We can use our medicines, surgery, and raidation to fight it (but unfortunately not surgical skills in my case), and my stubborn will to live and not give in, and those supporting me to make me determined to keep going.  Yes it is tough dealing with what I have for everyone, but if it makes it any easier for you, I am at peace (though bloody sacred) at the way in which I have been made to face my ending.  I have the opportunity to plan things, and to make sure that I am leaving things the best possible way for my family, whom I have to ultimately consider, as when I stop, you all keep going on with your lives, just minus me -and the blog ;-)  So please don’t go looking for blame as it will consume you to much, But if it is how you cope then do so, but I found it to consuming for me to bother with.
Last one I’ll mention is this.  I was asked how I can be so calm and ‘brave’ in dealing with this.  I don’t see it that way, but maybe it is a sign to me of just how well I can put up a front for you.  To be honest, some days the wrong word can flip me over to the the point I can barely hold the front up.  Yes I’m scared, sometimes, and angry at myself not the tumors, and wanting to just run away so I can wake up from this nightmare (of which I have been having several of lately. )  Behind the front you see is a different person, but I have also been doing the treatment really well, so have managed to make it look better than what I am probably feeling.  Cause at the moment I’m in agony truthfully and are nodding off constantly. And in a messed up state mentally and emotionally.  So calm , because it helps most of the time to let me make each day better, and brave – well probably because I can’t be anything but.
Head off to work and have a pleasant stroll in.  Have a steady day.  Go through a spell of wanting to vomit but I manage to hold on to that and start to come right again.  Also the desire to just fall asleep at random is not there.  Head off just after 1:15pm.  Get home and the sudden desire to sleep is bad big time, so go and have a lay down to see if that revives me at all.  It does a bit after an hour long nap.  Login to work then for a bit, then head off ot see Jacob’s science fair entry on Solar Energy.  Looks good, and he has done very well.  Get home then and the sleep monster is back again – ugh!  I doubt several gallons of coke or coffee would do me any good.
We have an early dinner, as Sue heads off with Roh they are doing volunteer parcel wrapping at Northlands Mall as a fundraiser for Roh’s work (it s a charity).The boys finish homework then they’re off to bed so I can do the blog and watch some TV.  Struggling with the sleep demon still too – bloody thing can leave me alone anytime it feels like it.  M&D time rolls around and I head to bed to read and try to get more sleep.  Trust you’ve had a lovely day, and have behaved.  Fridge hope you’re feeling better to man – best wishes.  So Aubrey, to scared to comment on your own personal blog??  That warm beer is getting colder by the day ;-)  Till the morrow.
The picture below is of the Halswell pink socks been worn by Bevan Murdoch whom was team mate in a couple of games, and is one of the sons of Trudy and ‘Doc’ Murdoch.  It shows just how famous and well travelled the socks are.  Been promoted far and wide.  Thanks for the pic folks.

Bevan (on the right) and his mate showing off the well travelled (and supported) Pink socks.

Kia Kaha.
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Monday 26 November Ramble

“Maybe a person’s world can grow bigger in all the right ways, not too wide that it becomes shallow, just large enough to preserve its depth.” ― Deb Caletti

Yep – pain again welcomes me on waking.  Well it had actually been with me all night and kept me from having a completely restful sleep.  Usual start to the day – meds and a cuppa.  Have breakfast then get ready for the day and head off via Jacob and Lachie schools. 

Walk in to the office – a cool one, when is summer going to arrive?  Get into the office and pleased to see my chair as stuffed from the walk.  Go get a coffee and then have a chat with Cath about the weekend.  Starting to feel really crappy, sick and head hurting and eventually have to go and throw up.  Feel a lot better for evicting my stomach contents, and rally again.  Keep wanting to drift off to sleep – not normal :-(  Manage to have some lunch and keep it down.  Then head off about 1pm.

Make it home and have some quiet time dozing off on the bed.  Sue collects the Jacob from school, then Lachie arrives home.  We then head off to the hospital for my appointment with the Chemo Doctor.  Have a good meeting and get put back on the steroids to try to ease the pain and other symptoms.  Start Chemo next Monday as planned – last round.  Then meet with the Doctor again within 2 weeks to go over treatment and test results that I have to have.

Home then via the Chemist to get scripts filled. Then have dinner.  And a restless night as sore and sleepy.  Do the blog as a real struggle to stop nodding off.  Not liking where I’m at, at the moment.  Have a great day/arvo/evening.  Take care and all going well I’ll be here tomorrow. Sorry it’s short and sweet, but I’m just not able to do much tonight.

Kia Kaha.

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Sunday 25 November Ramble

“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” – Aristotle Onassis

Another bloody terrible sleep. Woke every time I turned over due to the pain. Also woke several times with my left arm numb or tingling. That is something new to deal with and watch how frequently it is occurring. Eventually wake at 6 am and get some meds on board then back to bed as feeling shattered due to creepy sleep. Lay there thinking about things for a bit before giving into sleep again. Wake then at 8. Have a nice cuppa tea brought to me and I lay in bed reading a bit before getting up and getting ready to face the day.

Have some breakfast and and watch Kayla open her birthday present.  Start to pack up the house and car and as need to leave about midday. All packed and ready to leave with plenty of time to spare so head off to the tennis courts and have a bit of a hit around there.  I don’t last to long as it is hurting to much so sit in the shade and watch.  We then head off for home.  Stop at Little River to get an ice cream as it is bloody hot today!!  Say bye to the Booth family – thanks for a great weekend, then hit the road for home. Nice to be home again, have some lunch and get unpacked, and have a breather for an hour before heading off to see Craig as he is having his house warming today.  He couldn’t have picked better weather for it. Catch up with Fish, AUBERY, Dutch, Kev, Fridge and Craig and have a couple of drinks and laughs.  I hope Aubery saw his name in the blog this time as I would hate to be nagged more about it ;-)  Don’t stay to late as boys have school tomorrow and I’m still hurting quite a bit so need to be home to take my meds.
I wish that there was an easy way to stop the pain.  It really makes me wonder, that if I find it tough to take then how the hell do kids manage it?  Maybe I’m just a softy that can’t take the pain really.  Or do they get their meds more closely monitored?  It is hard work covering up just how bad the pain is somedays as people don’t need to see me suffering.  So no prizes for guessing what is getting me down at the moment! So fingers crossed tomorrow I get given a magic bullet to stop or minimise the pain again.  Will let you know how it goes tomorrow night – maybe.
Home for dinner, Blog and some relaxing staring at the TV ;-)  Thanks to those that have got in touch as they’re concerned about be.  Sorry about the slow replying as been in a cell blackout spot.  But thanks for the concern – nice to know you’re there. I’m OK – bloody hurting all over a lot but I’m fine otherwise.  Hopefully they’ll take a better look tomorrow with the Doc and come up with a better plan of attack.  I managed to hold off the hospital locking me up, though they did have a bed put aside for me in case I needed it, and to save me going through A&E. M&D time and bed – a time I am now starting to dread really as I tend to wake up and the brain goes into overtime, and after I get some restless sleep I then wake to agony – it is just shitty. Hope all have had a brilliant weekend and done lots of bad things ;-)  I won’t tell.
Kia Kaha.
Posted in Ramble. Comments Off on Sunday 25 November Ramble

Special ramble for Aubery!

See Aub I did mention you on the blog. I don’t care if you or Fish saw it the first time I mentioned you. I hope that you see it this time!!!  And yes I still owe you a warm beer.

 Take care mate.

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Saturday 24 November Ramble

“…The brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough. They’re there to stop the other people.”– Randy Pausch

Early night and early to sleep. Woke at 6am and did meds. Still incredibly sore though so back to bed and sleep hoping that I’ll wake feeling better. Get up at 9 and pain has eased enough that I can move more freely. So have a hot shower and some breakfast. Have my new stronger drugs. Feel a little vacant in the head from them but they seem to be doing their thing, thank goodness.

Put walking shoes on and head off on a walk up the hills to stretch out the muscles. Manage a return trip of 5.5 kms with a vertical rise of over 300 metres so a great workout. Get home and I’m knackered and so is the dog. Sue and the boys are Ok though. Sit down to rest for a bit and take my lunch meds. Have a small lunch – a liquid meal. The Booth family then arrive and they get settled in. Have a drink and chat in the sun. Head down to the beach with the kids and dogs. Have a good time there. Pain is starting to come back so head back to the house. In case you’re wondering we’re in Little Akaloa about an hour from Christchurch on Banks Peninsula. Brilliant spot – safe beach, sheltered valley, no cell coverage (unless you walk 30 mins up the hill), and no shops. Yes we’ve sneaked off again but this time is only for 2 days/nights.

When we were sitting at the beach today, Jordan asked if he could ask me a tricky question. I said yes, expecting it to be something about cellphones, computers, or the likes but instead it was this, “What is the thing that scares you most about cancer?” What a fantastic question. I had to think about it for a bit then I said the treatment as it is an unknown and you are poisoning yourself to buy time, how ironic really. Then comes the not knowing how it will be at the end. Then knowing how much hurt others are having from my illness. You might think how does that scare you, well I like helping people and seeing and knowing how much some of them scares me as I can’t fix or help ease their pain. Hours and I had about a 25 minute chat about this and other things but I found it fun and helpful as it got me thinking about myself. The other question I’ve been asked recently is, what color is a tumor? Got to research that one as I’m not sure. Anyone out there able to help out? Also if you’ve got any questions throw them at me as I love trying to answer them.

Been here in solitude gives you plenty of time to think about life, the universe, and everything in it. I spend time relating back over the year, and how things have happened in such a random way but also a lot has fallen into place when you need it too.I some times expect to wake from this strange dream and will tell people about it. But as we know, this is no dream. But even if it was I would still feel a richer person in knowledge for all that I’ve learnt. This is something I said too Greg today that it is said when you get cancer you can almost be considered lucky. I know that sounds strange and wrong but you start to look at the world differently, and slow down, and smell the roses so to speak. In this hectic world we share, we very rarely just admire our surroundings. Take in the beauty of the world, and the people. Be good to yourself and others too. And smile, cause they don’t hurt or cost but can be the greatest gift you give to someone that day.

Have another pain killer and then a short lay down. Well it was intended to be short. Woke nearly two hours later. Up again and go out to enjoy some more sun. Just chat, read and muck around. Greg cooks a very nice Carbonara for dinner. Then dishes a bit more chatting and then M&D time. Pain is still there bugger it. Really hope I can shake it by tomorrow. Trust you’ve had a lovely enjoyable day. Be good, catch ya tomorrow.

Kia Kaha.

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Friday 23 November Ramble

“Sometimes we expect more from others because we would be willing to do that much for them.” – Unknown

Once again it took bloody ages to get to sleep, then had a restless time, but feel I’ve had a solid sleep.  Wake about 6 in real pain and head down to get meds on board.  Then back to bed for an hour to let them do their thing on me.  Up then at 7 and not much improvement on the pain – in for a day like this – f’ it!! Get ready for the day, have a piece of toast for brekkie, then out the door.

Drop Lachie at school, then me in town.  A pleasant shuffle into the office – it was definitely slower than normal.  Get in and spend most of the time there closing my eyes wishing the pain would just die away.  But it doesn’t.  I keep on taking as many pain killers as I am allowed to trying to get this under control.  Head home about 1pm and call the hospital on the way to get their advice on whether I go to se them (I don’t want to do that) or if I can up my meds a bit more.  They go away to get the doc’s opinion of what to do, but they don’t want to see me – Yay!!  They get me to up my meds instead as I see the Doc on Monday arvo anyway so will get some proper real meds then.

In case you are wondering the pain is called Neuropathic pain and is caused by the cancer and Chemo.  SoI’m stuffed either way.  It is just the way it is.  Pleae don’t worry as there is nothing anyone can do about it really.  But the whole day has been about a 5-7 on the pain scale.

Quiet arvo and evening then as still hurting lots even with the upped meds.  Hopefully I’ll just sleep it off.  So very short and sweet blog today , ass it is even hurting to type.  Have a good weekend.  Take care.

A bit of a laugh that somes up most nights for me ….

How true – every night.

Kia Kaha.

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Thursday 22 November Ramble

“In its early stages, insomnia is almost an oasis in which those who have to think or suffer darkly take refuge.” – Sidonie Gabrielle Colette

 You know the story – didn’t get to sleep until about 1:30.  Got plenty of reading done though.  Wake at 6:30 take meds then back to bed to doze as to sore to get up that early.  Up at 7 then and make a cuppa, then get ready to face the day.  Head off to work via St. Thomas’s as Lachie has his entry assessment exams today.  Leave them both there and head off to work via the Vampires, sorry blood test lab.  Then stop at the Coffee House and have coffee and a chat about what we need to ask the Doc at Monday’s appointment.  Make sure we have all our questions down ready to roll.  I know it is still 4 days away but that will come around far to quickly, and while they are fresh in our  minds.

I’ve been reading about Radio Gamma knife surgery.  But unfortunately it turns out that this won’t be an option for me as the tumor type is so complicated around it that they risk doing more harm than good.  I found a posting from a person though that has the eact same type of tumors too – the first one I’ve found. Got quite excited, but the posting is from mid last year and I can’t find anything else on the web from him so only can presume that he lost his fight.  Still I am going to do some more research about this surgery.

Also I’ve been thinking about facing this last round of Chemo.  I guess to be blunt I am worried/scared that when it stops these MoFo’s are going to light up straight away and continue on their merry growth.  Reality is they could do that, or they could wait for several months before anything happens.  But when it does happen, I will have to find a new strenght and fight as it is going to be so much more harder to do without the assistance of the Chemo.  This could be where the stubborn attitude will come to the fore.  I will be needing all the support possible as well as I can only imagine how bad the mental fight will be as well as holding on emotionally to all I have.  If they can get my pain managed better then I will be able to stay focussed on the task at hand.  I will have top also work hard to stay out of the dark places that you go to sometimes.  So the fight will be a constant 24/7 battle that is going to test the endurance of me.

I read a letter a wife had written about what it is like from the Caregivers perspective, and there was a paragraph which I thought was very good describing how looking at the patient (her Husband) from the outside and imagining what it was like for him.  This is that paragraph. ‘I try to imagine what having that reminder in my skull might be like. And while I did live with fear, closely, for a long time , I’m sure that my imagining doesn’t even come close to the reality of what it was like for him. Dave looked death in the face every day.  He carried it around in his head.  What must that be like?  And then I think about what a crab I am when I have a headache or a cold.  And then I’d think about what Dave was dealing with . Wow. Humbling’  This is the best possible description I have read of what it is like living with this bloody life stealing illness.  Every time you look in the mirror you are reminded of the reality that there is 3 bombs in my skull, 1 the size of a golf ball with only one mission – invade and destroy for no purpose expect that biology and genetics has allowed to happen.  That is the real bugger with it all there is no physical purpose for biological need for the human body to grow tumors but it can and it does and it is random, and truly does not discriminate in anyway.  Also while I say that it is our journey, and everyone whom cares for me or aids me is involved at some level – yes even you reading this is becoming involved, it is in an unselfish way (please understand what I am saying here), only my journey because when I die I will stop, but you will all continue on your own journeys and they will be yours, and only yours.  While it will involve so many others it won’t be their journey.  You will learn from it though.

Head off to the office then.  Have a great day, everyone is in a good mood and having a laugh so it makes the day go quickly.  Head off about 2pm, home and have a quiet time as feeling very tired and drawn out.  Others arrive back home about 6:15 in time for dinner, no big meal, just nibble on a couple of things – bloody nausea.  Start blog early as a few things to say and fading on and off.  My head has being giving me hell today.  Watch some TV and then M&D time.  Figured if I go to bed earlier then by the time my brain and the pain winds down a bit, I will be drifting off before midnight.  But tried this before and it doesn’t work.  Hope you have had a good day.  Take care.

Kia Kaha.

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