3 Too Many

Friday 18 January Ramble

“The two foes of human happiness are pain and boredom.” – Arthur Schopenhauer

 Sorry its late – ironically fell asleep.

Simple as today – pain! That’s it. Lumbar based agony is more precise but it is not the most pleasant to have anyhow. Wake and up 3 times with it during the night. The last time I fall asleep resting on the table and hear Sue wake which starts me awake and my elbow slips of the table causing me to take fright – so long and short of it it have me a heel of a fright which made me nearly fall off my seat.  Head off to bed then no less and promptly out like the lights!  Had a crappy nights sleep all up though.
Wake then about 7am and up and login to work.  Grabba cup of tea, breakfast and meds.  Body is aching already :-(  and have Nurse Maude coming today so I’m working from home.  Get ready to face the day and start to feel quite buzzy – if that makes sense.  The old body and brain want to hit Tony Hyper mode but the sensible side of me says slow it down sport – no prize for burning out!  Manage to keep myself going.  Though I do have a ‘breakdown’ on the landing.  When I say breakdown it is a pain stop.  I was walking down and then the pain hit.  I could not take another step literally.  So decide to wait it out.  This is where it gets a little weird.  Both the cat  and the dog appears and come and sit next to me – the dog very cautiously but she sits there.  I didn’t call them though which is the spooky bit.  They say they know when soemthing is wrong, but this was a little too freaky.  Get moving again, and vow to stay off the stairs until someone else is in the house with me. 
Finally hear again from Nurse Maude and it turns out there was some confusion about me been at a Doctors.  Anyway, the District Nurse is coming over very soon to see me.  Appointment goes well, and we go over how much pain meds I am taking – so far I have taken over double what I would have normaly.  And I still haven’t gotten on top of the pain – ggrrr!!  I’m told not to worry to much about that as I can take quite a buit more yet before it even gets risky.  So up the pain meds even further.  Nurse heads off then happy, I’m feeling very out there in the head – go figure why ;-)  Yep half off my chops on pain killers!!!
Sue and I head off out to do a couple of chores then back home.  Quite evening planned – blog, tv, and maybe watch a movie.  Deb and Glen come over and join in a wine  and beer, then go home to cook us all dinner – homemade F&C.  Bloody lovely.  Get home then about 10:30 call Jacob to see how he is going.  Then M&D time, and start doing blog – only to race everyone to sleep!!  Wake several times – try to finish the blog then bed.  So apologies for the lateness of it.  Really hope all have had a better day to than I, and the weekend has started brilliantly for you all.  Take care – and I will write Saturdays blog earlier!!
Kia Kaha.
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