3 Too Many

Tuesday 15 January Ramble

“Warning: Dates in Calendar are closer than they appear.”  – Unknown

 If there is one really, really, shitty thing (other than the obvious) from all this Cancer crap, it has to be the pain! Well mainly body pain that should be.  No warnings it is just on or off basically. And it does it at the most inconvenient time.  Like when you’re sleeping, or walking or any bloody time. So last night is dedicated to the pain monster visiting at random, ya bastard! Woke several times then get up to deal to it in the end. Then just as I  am about to head back to bed the Acid tum comes to life and takes me down. After many meds and an hour later on I head back to bed and some more broken rest. The night feels so bloody long today.

Get up with the alarm and head down to make teas, breakfast and of course meds. Anyone get the number of the bus that hit me? Login to work and see what’s happened overnight. Jono stops by to drop off a couple of parcels that were dropped at work that I need. Nice to have a quick catch up. Then he hits the road to Timaru. Get on with work, then get ready to face the day. Have some magic must which seems to pull me through the rest of the morning. Dad and Michael stop by to visit, then head back to work on the ship.
Struggling badly with pain still even now. Can’t walk from the bench to the front door without having to stop in agony. Bloody gel this is going to be a terribly long day. Jacob is really concerned about me and keeps a very close watch on how I am going. I manage to hang in there without having the wheels completely falling off. Sue gets home then, and we all have lunch. Back then to doing some more work. Oh, and yes fighting off more pain, and now yay his friend cramp has joined in. So in for a complete battering it seems from all sides of the body and brain.
Graeme then stops by for a visit. Great to see you man, haven’t caught up since well before Xmas. In fact months since a good catch up. Fantastic to hear of all the wholesale changes you and Lisa have made in life. Great to catch up too.  G heads of then, just as the Nurse Maude Nurse arrives. Have a good long meeting about everything and discuss the pain issues and sleep mess at length. Come up with another plan of attack and will try it if the Doctor agrees with the Nurse plan. If it means having to go through this pain hell again then gets the desired result I’m keen as for it. So we will wait and see what happens. The Nurse hopes to have an answer in the next couple of days.  Fingers crossed.
Get on and cook dinner. Jacob joins in and makes dessert – some individual cheesecake things that he saw Jamie Oliver make on tv this morning, so he memorized them, not measurements, then just made them.  They were actually really good. Maybe next time though some ingredients could be measured to even the flavours out. Sit down to do the blog then and watch some tv. Bed soon as struggling to stay awake, esp. with the pain killers on board (they make you drowsy).  I really hope that the pain monster takes a break tonight for my sanity sake. I honestly doubt I could take another night or day of this. And now my head is starting to join in with low level pain – great not! Aaaahhhh!!!!  Hope all have had a great evening/arvo/day. Take care and stay strong.
Kia Kaha. 
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