3 Too Many

Sunday 13 January Ramble

“If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.” – Andrea Boydston

 Finally went to sleep properly about 3:15am, after dozing off several times.  Too bloody hot to sleep anyway, and just manage to get the blog sorted – sorry it was so late!  Jacob crawls into bed next to me about 4am – again to bloody hot for extras!  Ahh – still he stays as far as possible from me so all good.  Manage to sleep then until 9am.  Wake to find everyone else awake and up.

Get up, meds, toast, tea. Then decide what I’ve got/want to get done today.  Another hot day – already 27 degrees.  But it is an odd heat today – not just sun baked.  Jacob makes a start, unprompted, on moving the bark from under the old tramp area to by the woodshed – he is a good lad.  Dad turns up then to take away the last spare bookcases.  Thanks Dad.  Aubery turns up then as Dad is leaving to do some more measurements for the deck.  He stays for a cup of coffee and a chat too.  He then heads off and I set about helping Jacob.  Get some petrol and mow the lawns and generally keep busy around the outside of the house.  Jacob finishes moving the bark – what an awesome job.  He then heads next door to mow Deb and Glen’s lawn for them before they get back later today.  The Travellers (rellies from England that are here at the moment) have arrived in Christchurch (they’ve been travelling around the South Island) and stop by for a visit.  Happy to show them the house.  They head off for their Motel.  We are meeting at Pam and Karl’s for the dinner so will see them again soon.

Get cleaned up as feeling very yuck.  Hit the road then to Pam and Karl’s.  Feeling pretty good still, though tiring a bit.  Head has been a bit foggy too today and makes it hard to make sense of somethings as you tend to feel that you over analyse some situations and read to much into it.  This is where the spray comes in.  But even today it seems that it is not quite working the normal way of making me mellow and even – bugger.  It is allowed a day off though.  With my head in a space like this it is not surprising though.

Have a wonderful evening and manage to not fall asleep.  Very good company and food.  So a nice evening all up.  Head home about 8:30.  Boys to bed, I do the blog, and Sue surfs the web.  Still very hot :-( so not going to be a comfortable night.  Hope that all have had a brilliant day and evening, and are refreshed ready for the week ahead.  Take care, have fun, and keep smiling all.

Kia Kaha.

Posted in Ramble. 1 Comment »

One Response to “Sunday 13 January Ramble”

  1. k.p.marxen  Pam Says:

    Glad you had a good evening Tony and it was so nice to have a Paterson etc family get-together. Thought you were looking pretty good aand will come over one day/evening soon to tweek my Kindle.