Monday 7 May Ramble
May 7, 2012 — HeadlessWell here it is – T Day!!! The day that the real battle begins. This is the point in time that I have been waiting for since the initial black Friday news on 30 March, where the radiation and chemical treatment is the ammunition along with my determination, grit and inner mental strength to fight these 3 unwanted guests head on.
So with the battle about to start – I would like to slightly modify the words of a song that I love which I love and have listened too several times over the past weeks (funny how music becomes different during changes in your life – the words take on new meanings – and songs fit in the different places of your life – maybe just cause I love music but I digress).
Pink Floyd – Dogs of War
Steps have been taken, a silent uproar
Has unleashed the dogs of war
You can’t stop what has begun
Signed, sealed, they deliver oblivion
We all have a dark side, to say the least
And dealing in death is the nature of the beast
One head, it’s a battleground
Three tumors, and I will smash them down
One world … three tumors
The dogs of war won’t negotiate
The dogs of war don’t capitulate,
They will take and I will give,
And the tumors must die so I can live!
I know it sounds a little strange but my Dogs of War are the radiation and chemo and of course the attitude – the only death out of this all I am contemplating is that of the tumors (whilst we know that they will hopefully only be stopped in their tracks growth wise they will not go away – but any stoppage in growth results in extra time is of course wonderful for all). I also keep in mind the words from a friend David whom I’ve met along this journey (and is fighting his own battle) – This Cancer will not define me, I will define this Cancer.
So the day started at 5:30am – up early as awake anyway but keen as to get started with this and to get into with the first pill of the treatment plan. I have gone from taking 12 pills per day at 3 flexible times per day to now taking 19/20 per day at 5/6 times per day at set times – I also have a happy frying dose of radiation chucked in for good measure. Welcome to Cancer my Radi/Chemo treatment plan! First pill down, then reminder on phone (no surprises I have an app planning / tracking all these drugs) alert for next goes drug to take goes off, next drug on board. Next one up is the Chemo drug – this is the one that I am curious about as it will be the one that shapes me for the next 8.5 months really. Take it – no effects – hmm – is it working – I know just being silly not expecting a sudden wave of vomiting or something. Just taking time to notice if there are any changes. Next alert is an hour later then – yay – it’s for breakfast – yes that has to be scheduled to be eaten at a specific time too – then an after brekky cocktail of 5 more pills. Have a laugh as I have my little containers for the day lined up on the bench in a timeline (yep OCD thing again – jelly bean moment). The good thing is that most of the drugs are in the morning so that means I’m free from clock watching so much.
Have a moment after brekky , when it hits me that I have crossed the point now where the mental changes/battle that I have been dealing with for 8 weeks and for the most part if people were to look at me would notice little difference, is now about to become a visual change/battle. What I’m getting at is that I will be more fatigued, I will lose all my hair, I will lose weight – my illness is now about to be laid bare to the world. And for some reason I am finding this a harder line to step over than ironically been able to talk to people about having a terminal illness or brain tumors. I wonder if it is because people I don’t know will now look at me with that pitied look of owe they have cancer – poor person – and I won’t / don’t take pity, cause it is not of help to me or my family and it’s definitely not needed. I must admit that sometimes I did look at people obviously going through treatment and didn’t know the best reaction to give them except treat them nicely as you would anyone else. But now I look at them as cage fighters – the side effects are the broken noses, and elbow cuts incurred in their fight for their life so must be admired and praised not pitied and sorried.
Dad stops over to see how all is going and to get his laptop setup so he can track the blog too – this is a real moment in time for as he is moving into the tech world beyond TradeMe – scary! Give Joh a call seen as I missed her call last night – have a good catch up and laugh – just what the doc ordered thanks Joh. Time to head to the hospital for the first of 3 appointments there today.
First 2 appointments are with the Radiation team back to back with the second been the frying session. Start getting restless when the half hour first appointment is already half an hour late and I’m next on the table. Then Scott from the Radiation team turns up and goes over the treatment plan, etc, and explains that as he is with me that they can’t zap me so settles me down somewhat. Sorry if I sound like a wound up spring but this is a major stage in this battle and I need it right. In I go to the treatment room, the tem are friendly and have some good sounds playing. They take about 5-10 mins to clip me into the mask and line me up for the first time. Then its point all beams at the bastards and nukes away! In an ironic twist U2 – It’s a Beautiful day plays (told you music has new meanings – & I love that song) just as the first zapping starts (it is done in several smaller waves as they target each tumor from different directions). Doze off a bit as it is done – never let a nap pass you by and it is quite quiet and peaceful. All over – can’t really feel anything except a prickly like sensation on head – oh well guess it’ll become the norm.
Next appointment then is with the speech therapist to get some tips on eating easily – as besides Wilson been an effect of the tumors I have trouble with my left leg and also have limited sensation in my lips & mouth which makes eating difficult and sometimes I choke. So get some very helpful tips on handling meals and changing diet to suit better. Home then via the supermarket to stock up on the new food diet – yum – droid tum in hunting mode – this is going to be costly!
Headache coming on and fading out huge time and need to rest so go to have a 30 min nap – get up 90 mins later!! Really – anyhow it is enough to get me thru the evening – I hope. Dinner is a yummy chicken and corn soup from our lovely neighbours – Deb, Glen Kat and James Balloch – it is very yummy and hits the spot perfectly – thank you so much!
So folk – bar the headache and tiredness day one of the first 42 is done and I’m now totally engaged in the battle for the rest of my life. I will close off the blog now, as fading again & you know the drill folks – M&D time soon. Take care all.
Kia Kaha.
May 8, 2012 at 10:21 pm
Sorry we didn’t get to have a conversation tonight Anthony, I woke up at 1.00am this morning and couldn’t get back to sleep (you know what thats like) so got up and wrote a blog thing for three hours. I would have had a nap this arvo but had a visitor who wanted to talk metaphysics for 2-3 hours! It was lovely to do but this guy was quite intense. By the time the evening rolled around I was feeling drained so opted out of the call to you guys. Within a short time I was feeling terrible about not calling though so tried but no answer from Sue or your home line. Sorry, I hope you guys are OK and I’ll try again tomorrow. Hope you sleep well.
May 8, 2012 at 11:48 pm
Hey there David,
It’ OK really I understand it all so please don’t appologise – and totally understand the sleep thing – I was up at 4am (late night compared to you) – the Registar today said that sleep patterns may chnage – I asked what back to a normal one? I haven’t had a full sleep even with sleeping pills or other drugs since about 14 March (befoe biospy)! Average about 4-5 hours broken sleep a night – how do we really function? Ahh – its not just me bloggion eartly some days to get a head start and also to off load the thoughts – scary! The visitor sounded intense – not what you need when you need a nap time – interested to see how you handle those intense folk – esp. wiht a subject like that.
I possibly missed the call as I was having a non-coping moment too – between everything so apologies on my part. We’re all good here – just noticing the effects chnages the CHemo brings on as it builds up and what the Radiation does to me as we go. We’ll try for tomorrow – I’ll get your number from Sue & we will setup a time when we are both functioning enough.
Sleep well too – take care.
Kia Kaha
May 8, 2012 at 8:37 pm
With you all the way Tony thinking of you all often XXXX
May 8, 2012 at 11:25 pm
Hey there Guys,
Thanks for the support – it means heaps now the battle is on.
Hugs to all xxx
May 8, 2012 at 8:46 am
Thinking of you all the way Tony – virtual hug!
May 8, 2012 at 7:50 am
You’re so right about the musical references taking on more meaning Tony, and hearing U2’s Beautiful Day as your treatment started seems completely apt. Maybe today’s tune will be “Radioactive” by Kings of Leon?
Well done for getting through Day 1, we are all behind you through to 42 – which coincidentally as one of my literary heroes Douglas Adams wrote in Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – is the answer to Life, The Universe and Everything.
I believe there is another Edmonds saying, which no doubt you’ve heard too many times to find it even remotely funny… but it seems right to paraphrase: “Edmonds – Sure to Rise (to the Occasion)”
Love to you and your family.
May 8, 2012 at 12:36 am
It was a good way to start the day – laughing – thank YOU.
As for having no hair, well there’s not alot there to start with, and so at least you already know the bald look suits you…lol
The battle of all battles, who’d ever thought this would be the one to face. I was out walking this afternoon and all I could think of was what dad would say ‘we are Edmonds’ and we don’t go down with out a fight’. Once upon a time, well from the 29/03/12 back, I would’ve rolled my eyes at him and thought wtf here he goes again, however since the 30/03/12 it has so much more meaning.
There are many people alive and not with us anymore who are watching over you right now. You may be leading the charge into battle however we are all right up there behind you.
Love you to the moon & back, and bloody hell the moon is very close at the moment xxx
May 8, 2012 at 12:32 am
Hi Tony, thanks for sharing your experience with all of us mate, and good luck with knocking the crap out of those unwelcome little interlopers that have gate crashed your life.
Oh, and we still miss your smiling face here at the Times.
May 8, 2012 at 11:24 pm
Hey George,
Hope all is well down South with you. Hopefully it will give an insight into what happens when 3 unwanted visitors make a random apperance deep in the brain. Or I like how you put it Interlopers
I misss all your smilinmg faces and friendly folk too – the 3 1/2 years in Invers was very special to us all and we have made some dear life long friends from it. It is a magical part of NZ too that is far to often wrongly dismissed.
Take care all – I am determined to one day get down there again – but once my travel ban is lifted of course.
Keep smiling