Sunday 6 May Ramble
May 6, 2012 — HeadlessEarly start again today – up at 5 am – head and tum hurting so downstairs for drugs. Decide to make a MIlo and do Saturday’s blog as feeling wide awake. managed to have about 6 hours straight sleep last night and physically feeling the best I have in days – yay. This could also be due to having the drug schedule all but sorted so feel relaxed about that now. As I’ve said it is a petty point in away – but look at it from the point of view that since we’ve found out about these things and their terminal nature I have focused myself on the fact that I will not give in to them without a battle, and we are now standing at point of the first real shots been fired in making sure I stay on this earth as long as I can (yes there’s been skirmishes with Wilson along the way & he is trying to return) but this is it now – tomorrow we’re on!
Busy day today – boys and I have footy photos this morning down at Halswell – from 10am – 12pm. Only a couple of hours but it takes it toll standing and moving around. Still have a good time catching up with folk – a laugh. Fridge and Nutty fire up the BBQ and get me some of my special bread to make sure I’m happy (no jelly beans?) Scoff a couple of sausages – perfect top up as it means that I can get home then have my lunch pills quickly as we are heading out to my best mates place G & Lisa’s in Waikuku about 40 minutes north of ChCh.
Great to see G, Lisa, Daniel & Blake. I ‘ve a got a new wireless router for them so set about getting it installed. Have a fat chat about lots while working away. Murphy’s Law that it doesn’t go straight away – had to happen didn’t it! Turns out that there is a build error for the model of Router and there are 2 fields that are identical but set different parameters – one is labelled PPPoE the other is PPPoA – I was setting what I thought was the right one but it wasn’t – gggrrr – all because some muppet in factory keyed the screen in wrong really!!!! All sorted anyway – but it has drained me. Give G & Lisa a rundown of connecting device, and test run of it all – then Time to hit the road as fading hugely. Leave feeling happy knowing they are working fine and all good.
Hear from the Bisley family on the way home that they are popping by to visit – which is great to catch up as haven’t seen them all for so long. Decide we’ll do a F&C tea together as well – prefect as I have been hanging out and hoping that we could have them for tea tonight. Decide to recharge so go to sleep in the car on the way home.
Wake feeling a bit more refreshed – I have now learnt to take the nap & rest when available. Brendan, Amy, Gabby & Theo arrive bearing baking – yum (settle droids). Have a great catch up and yummy tea. Kids all have a great time together playing. Fading again – but will hang in there.
Thank you to all who have called or text tonight – it i awesome to have our support and hear from you all.
Another day done – I am very exhausted but in a good head space and ready to take tomorrow head on.
M&D time now – with a choccie muffin from Amy
Kia Kaha.
May 7, 2012 at 8:04 pm
Greetings Tony, Sue, Jacob and Lachie.
Just sitting here thinking of you all. Congrats Jacob on your POD, well earned by the sound of it, hope your hammy sorts itself out sooner rather than later! Lachie, the plants you planted for Zak are all growing – great job matie! Sue and Tony, love ya both.
Found the following in a book by I’ve read recently, basically he discovers that he has cancer and asks his nephew-in-law (who happens to be a doctor) if it was something he did or didn’t do to cause it, here’s the reply….
Cancer is cancer. It’s an insidious revolting affliction. It’s rogue cells. Bastard things. They have no conscience. They certainly don’t differentiate between victims. There is no proof that reprobates are struck down any more than the virtuous and you, my friend, have more virtues than you have sodding faults. There is nothing you could or could not have done. It’s not your fault – it’s just f*&^%n bad luck.
Well, amen to that.
Take care.
May 7, 2012 at 9:39 pm
Hey there Karen,
I i’ll pass on to Jacob the congrats – he did totally earn it – and the leg has improved very well. He has school zones cross country tomorrow and is raring to go with that – so must be a quick healer like me – I’ll take the credit for that one
I’ll also let Lachie know about the plants – he’ll be wrapped with with that.
I love the explanation of cancer like thta, as it is so true. I have said all along – I can’t be anngry, as I have nothing to be angry at – I hven’t done anything to cause these, I haven’t had someone else cause them, I can’t blame anyone for them been there, and have accepted that in this world nature rules, and nature while it produces mericales everyday around us, also produces oddities that cause bad things to happen. I can only make sure that I take on these bad bits of nature head on an make sure that if they are going to take me down then it is not going to be a bloody cake walk!
Thanks for those lines.
Take care, Hi and hugs to all.
May 7, 2012 at 8:30 am
Hi Tony
You’re making me learn simple computer things – like really simple! We’re with you every inch of the way and Sue and the kids too. A magnificent journey.
May 7, 2012 at 5:37 pm
Thanks Pam – sorry I didn’t see her you today – was busy getting firewood in so on a purpose – thanks for the quiche though (yep real men do eat it). Hi to Karl too.
Take care X