3 Too Many

Tuesday 19 February Ramble

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” – Helen Keller

Went to sleep in bed, woke in lounge on lazy boy :-(  Yep bloody back pain had me roaming the house in the early hours several times last night.  Also I was just generally restless and not in a good head space so to speak. I guess what the scan results could possibly be are bubbling under the surface.  I won’t have any results unfortunately until next Tuesday at the earliest, when I meet with the Oncology Doctor.  Headed down to the lazy boy about 4am and wake at 6:30 in a shock a I don’t remember snuggling up on the chair – doh!!  At least I don’t have to go downstairs to get a cuppa or meds just walk thru the door to the kitchen from the lounge. 

Head upstairs to wake up the rest of the family. Then get ready for the day.  The boys are a bit slow on getting going today, but re soon on their way to school, and Sue and I head via the chemist to work.  Collect a supermarket bag of meds from the chemist – almost embarrassing really. Get into work and have a good day.  David Poulsen stops by the office to have coffee with Bernard, Jono and I- good to see you again David and have a good catch up and laugh.  Having trouble with my left side again, and as such especially my left hand – yes Wilson has returned!!!  It took me about 2 minutes to put on my shoes and another 2-3 minutes to be able to tie them up.  If you remember when all this crap with me started nearly a year ago, and Wilson made his appearance, and I had to fight to win control back over it – well guess I have a fight on my hands – pun intended – again.  It is bloody depressing too as I thought it was behind me, but really knew that one day it would start coming back , but I wasn’t ready for it to come back this soon.  Have got out my walking stick too as a precaution I should start carrying it again as I am very unsteady on my feet at the moment as well.

Sue collects me from work and we head home.  I login to work for a bit more.  Nurse Maude come by for their weekly checkup on me, all good.  They try to cheer me up a bit though that doesn’t really sit well with me, but then I’m not in the best mood today. The boys then arrive home and do their homework and play some footy in the backyard.  We then head over to Dad’s to visit him, and see Sarah and Richard (as they are staying at Dad’s while EQC fix their house).   Head home then for dinner.  Sue heads out for a walk while I try to do the blog and stay awake.  Its a real struggle though, but I manage it.   Hope all has gone well today for all and it has been a fantastic day.  Take carwe all.  Enjoy Wednesday and keep smiling.

Kia Kaha.

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