3 Too Many

Tuesday 12 February Ramble

“Instead of giving myself reasons why I can’t, I give myself reasons why I can.” – Author Unknown
Another night another restless sleep mainly because my back was hurting so much.  Also it was a bad night for tremors kicking in.  The trouble with these is they feel like they are going to turn into bigger seizures, even though the chances are that they won’t but it just how it feels.  It seemed that I was up every one to 2 hours and so consequently today has being a very long day.  I feel completely drained and worn out that’s only by 10 o’clock.  Wake at 6am and head downstairs, take meds and make a cuppa.  Feel like I’ve not been to sleep at all. Wake the boys up and get them moving for the day. Get myself ready to face the day. It is nice to have a shower without a splint on my hand and trying to juggle the soap, etc.

The boys head off to school. I have breakfast then Sue and I head off for work. A chilly walk into work today in drizzle, but still refreshing in a way.  Quiet day at work – finding it a real struggle today.  I am that exhausted that it is almost difficult to breath, which is very scary at times.  Have a bad time with my back at work as well, and have to stand for a bit to try to sort it out.  Sue comes to collect me about 1:30, and really not a minute too soon.  I can see that the rest of the day is going to be a minute by minute day because I can not even get my head to focus on 10 minutes ahead of now.

Get home and do my best to keep pushing on.  Login to work and try to keep going for a bit more.  The boys get home and Sue takes them to the skate park.  Nurse Maude comes by to see me and do their check up.  I get the all clear but told to take it easy and listen to my body – don’t push myself to much and overdo it else I could end up crashing again. I must be tired as I am getting a lot of leg cramps.  Perhaps thats what my back pain is – cramp in my back!  Doubt it is as I have an anti-cramp drink which stops the leg cramps but I still get the back pains.  So no easy cure.  Just need to face it that i am crapping out big time.  So no walks out after dinner tonight, as much as I would love too.  But I think that it is probably safer to stay put.

Sue and the boys get home, and Sue gets dinner ready.  Boys do homework and dishes then showers and bed.  I get on with the blog – standing at the kitchen bench as my back is to sore to sit down.  Manage to sit down later on.  Take some more pain killers to try to get on top of it.  Boys off to bed, I watch TV and finish blog.  Thinking I have damaged a nerve in my Pinky to, as I have an area of pins and needles sensation in the centre of the pad at the top of my finger – rather odd.  Oh well, something else wrong.  No point fixing it though, as really whats the point?

How’s you’re day gone?  I really hope it has been a good day and filled with more energy than I have had.  I know I’m aiming to be in bed really early tonight as I have a suspicion that I will be awake several times more.  Have a fantatsic day/evening/arvo.  Take care.

Kia Kaha.

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