3 Too Many

Monday 4 February Ramble

“Our real problem, then, is not our strength today; it is rather the vital necessity of action today to ensure our strength tomorrow.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower

 It seems I might have or at least be on my way to having a sleep pattern of sorts as I only to up twice during the night, and the longest was for 20 minutes to make a Milo and shed a tear, then back to bed.  When I say shed a tear, it literally is that – crying.  Yep, I’m not to scared to admit it, as crying is good for the soul and for letting out the pain.  In this case it was emotional pain, as the past week has weighed down heavily on me mentally, physically and emotionally.  The second waking was due to pain in my head so resorted to meds for that. 

Wake at 5:50am as boys first day back at school and even though I’m not heading into the office today, I have a busy morning (actually busy day) with people coming to check me up, prod me and make sure that all damaged bits are repairing as they are meant too ;-)  So get myself ready for the day, make a cuppa then and head upstairs to see who else has risen yet.  Find Sue awake and Jacob walking around in a daze.  I get dressed and head downstairs to iron the boys uniforms.  Get brekkie sorted and boys hit the road for school by 7:45am.  The Nurse arrives at 8:30 to check on me and give me my IV meds.  Feeling nauseous and emotionally flat.  Still put on a happy face.  Sue hits the road to work, and I login and get on with my work.  Steady day with a few things breaking but the other guys in the team are on to them quickly already so I plod on with my stuff.

Sue gets home and collects me and we head off to the doctors appointment.  All good there.  Number of bandages and plasters is getting less so looking more normal than a walking First Aid practice dummy ;-)  Head from the Doc’s to get the boys from school as it is peeing down with rain.  Hear all about their day – both quite excited so nice to listen.  Great that Lachie seems very happy and settled at St. Thomas’ and it seems that Jacob is enjoying been the big bro and keeping an eye out for him.  The lads chill out for a bit.  Then Jacob starts talking to the big white telephone (aka – vomiting in the toilet) he had been complaining of feeling ill – bugger!!!  They then get on with their homework, while I get on with getting dinner ready – Butter Chicken.  Trying to build an appetite but just not really happening.  I guess the 20 plus kilos I packed on are going to disappear quickly at this rate.

Quiet evening planned.  Blog, relax and put my feet up as instructed by the Doctors, and watch some TV and duly fall asleep as normal.  M&D time then bed at a reasonable hour, and the hope of a full nights sleep.  Emotions are still at there peak so wouldn’t be surprised to be up with them during the night again.  Trust that all have had a good Monday and are enjoying the week so far.  If not then why not?  Life is too short to waste not making the most of each day – trust me I know!  Take care, misbehave, and cause chaos because you can – it makes life fun ;-)  Till the morrow.

Kia Kaha.

Posted in Ramble. 1 Comment »

One Response to “Monday 4 February Ramble”

  1. glenjune  June Walters Says:

    Hugs. Sharing the tears with you