3 Too Many

Sunday 27 January Ramble

“Setting an example is not the main means of influencing others, it is the only means.” – Albert Einstein

Well I guess the example I set on Thursday probably influenced the boys not to try tricks on wheeled objects when you’re getting older in years as the mind may be willing but the bones can’t take the knocks the same as they used too.  Crap sleep again! Well not a totally crap one, as only got up twice, the first time due to body, back & hand pain.  That took about an hour or so to get on top of.  The second time was with my head about 6:20am.  That one was just strange as I was woken with a sharp pain in my head, but when I sat up it suddenly felt like a vice had clampped on to it and then the pain really kicked in from about a 3-4 to an instant 7-8!!  Hell it hurt!! 

Head downstairs – well a wobbly stagger in reality.  Load up with all I can as it is getting worse not better – crap!  Give it about 45 mins before having a repeat dose. That seems to do the trick and numbs the head pain but the back seems to have now gone into a league of its own.  It gives a lovely demo of it’s power over me by hurting instantly walking down the hallway downstairs – no warning just pain on – stop now – hurt now!  I can’t even crawl along as it hurts more to try to get down on all 4’s!  Just freeze and suck it up as in most cases now it will pass in about 5 mins or so.  Still it hurts more for that time, than the broken finger doees, if that gives a comparision for you.

Everyone is having a sleep in so I get on with catching up the blogs and trying to turn out something logical, which is hard with a bloody splint getting in the way all the time. Must get the trial of the speech to text software as that would be really helpful.  Have some breakfast and more meds while reading the paper. It is a nice quiet morning and starting to warm up nicely.  Don’t want it to hot today, espec ially this arvo as will be sitting in the sun for several hours at Nitro Circus.  It starts at 4:30 and goes for about 3 1/2 hours apparently, so should be a good show.  Sue and the boys start slowly appearing downstairs.  Sue heads off on a walk with Wendy and the dogs.  The boys and I just cruise at home.  Sue gets home and arranges to get the tramp from Deb and Glen since our one died.  Head over next door to collect it.  The boys have a test bounce and decide where it will be located.

Jacob cooks us lunch. Very nice.  Then we all get ready too head off.  The boys are both really excited, which is great to see.  Have a fab time.  Those guys are completely nuts (though I bet none of them can manual and dismount like I did last Thursday on the scooter).  Best bit is I’ve picked up a few ideas for my next stunt round on the scooter ;-)  Stop by the Knudsen’s on the way home to say Hi, etc. Sorry for nodding off .  Head home, have tea and get the boys in bed.  Do the blog, and watch some TV.  Feeling absolutely stuffed now, so M&D time and bed.  Trust all have had a brlliant day, and weekend.  Take care.

Kia Kaha.

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