3 Too Many

Tuesday 22 January Ramble!!!

“Whoever said winning isn’t everything, never had to fight cancer.” ~ Unknown.

Its going to be short and sweet today folks as having a rough day.  Have had a very broken sleep, head not in a good place emotionally or mentally, and basically they have tripled my High strenghht pain meds (both the long lasting ones and the short term ones) so zonked out on those too.  Between the usual pain, messed up head and other normal crap that makes a night’s sleep I think I managed about 2-3 hours rest.

Up at 6:30am and into the meds quicker than a pig into a trough of muck.  Login to work, yada, yada – you know the routine.  Nothing stand out that it is about to fall apart big time.  Go get the paper in and think about breakfast and a cuppa tea.  Get as far as the cuppa tea, but nausea is discoraging the food thoughts.  Get ready to face the day.  Sue heads off to work and Lachie sleeps in – well as long as I let him ;-)  Get on with the day – the best I can, but with the new med levels, I am struggling a bit to say the least.  Have one of my liquid meals for breakfast.

For those that didn’t catch the note added to last nights blog about the appointment yesterday and what it means.  Well, a quick run down of what it means but we won’t know until after the next MRI in the next 4 weeks or so – but possibly 3 too many has become 4 too many – meaning another tumour has grown. Other options are, one or all of the exisiting tumours have started growing again.  One or the tumours has chnaged shape and is now growing into more good tissue.  But bascally until the MRI we will not be able to answer a lot in the way of questions, but this is just another one of those roads taking a turn in this journey of mine/ours.

Struggle a long a bit more, and keep Lachie moving as he is heading off to the Adreniline Forest with the Thompsons today.  It is a really, really hard day today, but getting there.  Craig and Karen and arrive, and all head off.  I keep going with work, and have another liquid meal for lunch as the Nausea is getting quite bad.  The balance is also starting to get dodgy, so I stay away from going upstairs for safety sake as home alone. 

Ihave a laydown for about an hour as fading.  Sue gets home with my latest bag full of meds – and it is a supermarket bag full – literally!! Just as I wake.  Nurse Maude then turn up for their scheduled weekly appointment/check up.  I get the tick of approval from, them that all is going well.  Sue and Karen heads off to collect Jacob as he arrives back home from Auckland tonight.  The Thompsons and Lachie also arrive home.  They are staying for dinner tonight – Roast Lamb – I would say yum – but nausea is not wanting to let me agree with that ;-) but I still manage to have a bit – very tasty indeed.  The Choc Brownie was bloody good too.

Have a lovely evening catching up.  Say our farewells to all, and sit down to blog, and watch some TV though I doubt I will be watching long – struggling.  Hope all have had a smoother day than mine, and are all fit and well. Till tomorrow.

Kia Kaha.

Posted in Ramble. 1 Comment »

One Response to “Tuesday 22 January Ramble!!!”

  1. fifita4fun  Rach Says:

    was that microwave chocolate brownie? xx