3 Too Many

Sunday 20 January Ramble

Life is not on a remote, so get up and change it yourself.” – Karen Thompson

Well mark this day in history – I went to bed about 1:30am and woke again at 8:30 – so what can be classed as a full night, uninterrupted sleep!!  The first one in over a month and a half – so some sort of victory for me you could say!!  What it really also means though is that the pain has stayed away, the nioght terrors have stayed away too, and I have not suffered any night panic attacks.  Wake very sore all over but feeling good in the head and generally – if that makes sense.  Actually probably slept so well as I had by the end of yesterday, consumed that many pain killers that I was numb ;-) 

Head downstairs to get my morning meds on board.  Back is feeling good – knees are the issue today – bugger it all.  Get breakfast ready and make a cuppa tea.  Take Sue her cuppa, and then head off to get the paper.  That is ironically the real test for my back, as I can make it to the paper but by 1/3 way back I will break down in pain.   And it hasn’t passed the test :-(  Back very sore, but manage to make back to the house.  Have brekkie and Dad and Michael turn up to drop off the Yellow Falcon Ute which Dad is selling (so if you know anyone wanting a kick-ass XR6 Turbo 6 speed manual Ute – 3 piece hard lid, sports bars, lowered XR8 power bulge bonnet, custom i-spec Ford ordered Falcon – Yellow – will post a pic tomorrow) then let me know.  Real head turner.  No test pilots need apply though, as yes it is really fast (140 plus in third and still pulling harder than a school boy and yes it’ll get you in a heap of trouble boy before you know you in it).  Get the idea I love this car?  Faster than the Typhoon.  Shit I hate not been able to drive!!  Anyway, they drop the car off, have a coffee and a catch up then head on their way to work.

I get ready to face the day while Sue goes to gets some stuff for lunch as we have Craig, Karen, Kathy and Jack from Invercargill coming over for lunch seen as they are in town.  They arrive and we have a lovely lunch and great catch up all arvo.  Awesome day, thanks guys, really relaxing and fun day.  The day warms up nicely – not to hot today which is good.  Craig, Karen and kids then head off and Lachie and I set about cleaning the cars, and washing down the driveway as there is plum from the trees all over it and it is getting brought into the house.  Job done, and head inside for dinner and to blog and watch some TV.  Still have had to watch, manage the pain again today, and have again consumed a larger amoutn of pain killers, but I see the Chemo Oncology Specialist tomorrow so will cover how much I am taking this with her.  They (Docs & Nurses) have told me that I can take as much as needed with out worry as it is extremely hard to OD on it apparently.  The bodyu paiun is starting to kick in again properly now, and the head is just starting to get going too, so will wrap it up – meds up and hit the sack hoping for another full nights rest – fingers crossed.  Hope all have had a wonderful Sunday, and totally enjoyed it.  Till the morrow arrives – take care, be good at it and have fun.

Kia Kaha.

Posted in Ramble. 1 Comment »

One Response to “Sunday 20 January Ramble”

  1. craig  Karen and Craig Says:

    Thanks Tony, Sue and Lachie for your wonderful hospitality yesterday, it was great to catch up with all of you. Hope we didnt bring too many plums inside for you! Looking forward to Thursday.

    Take care, Craig, Karen and the offspring