3 Too Many

Thursday 17 January Ramble

“It’s true that we don’t know what we’ve got until we lose it, but it’s also true that we don’t know what we’ve been missing until it arrives.” – Unknown

Broken sleep yet again. No surprises there. But the sleep breaks are about every 2 hours. Seems the sleeping pills don’t really work today. Manage to get some sleep in between the waking times. Still not brilliant I’ll take it none the less. Bloody pain is still not letting up really bit is manageable enough – a lot o suck it up gets you through!

Wake up then at a more sane hour and up to take meds, have breakfast and have a cuppa tea. Login to work to see how the world has run overnight. All good and humming nicely. I get ready to face the day. Shave my head, and only one cut/nick so happy about that. Still haven’t heard from Nurse Maude so plan to head into work. Sue is starting later so it works out well. Feeling quiet good really.

Get into the office. Fantastic to see everyone again. Nice to be back in the building. We have a great catch up, lots of laughs and just a bloody great time. Thanks guys – it has really made my day and week. Guess I’ll be having more of these soon too. Only another 2 1/2 weeks before the boys are back at school and normality of sorts returns. Sue comes and joins us for lunch before heading back to work. I last another hour and a bit before heading off about 3pm. Bloody pain is cutting through me at random levels and types. I’m fine at times but then at other I am at other almost immobilised completely.

Stop by the chemist on the way to sort out the mess with my scripts. A bit of to and fro to the Doctors next door and all sorted out. Get my new meds and hit the road for home. In bloody agony now so will be trialling out the new ones really soon I guess. Wow – nothing like a pain killer going straight to your head to make things seem different! Honestly – I feel quite woozy but OK.  Pain eases – yay!!! I’m ready to face more of the day again now as it was really starting to get away on me. Guess candle burning at both ends is the best way to sum it up. We are out for dinner with Roh and Andy tonight so need to be able to recover some energy.

Bloody weather closes in – raiun turns to hail for a bit and temp plunges. Turning like a winter’s evening rather than mid-summer outside. Go round to collect Roh and Andy, then head to restaurant. Have a wonderful evening out and the most awesome Thai Curries. Head of then to R and A ‘s place for coffees (you’re becoming the best Barsita in town Andy – keep it up!  Then head home as I am on the verge of falling apart – tremors going a lot and just not feeling right in the heas – hey no comments there ;-) Thanks for the lovely evening guys. Really enjoyed it.

Home to do the blog, M&D time and try to warm up. Shit its cold. Put on the electric blanket as it might also help me sleep tonight (and cause I’m soft in my old age now) and also to ease the pains. Bloody pain is starting to grapple over my body and head now feel I am lining up for a real crash – but this time I am armed at least to the teeth with ways to deal with it. The only thing is the mental fight will be harder and tougher and to be briefly honest I need a quiet day to get my head into gear to take it on. Oh well, we will see how much fight I can muster if I really need too. I really hope that all have had a great Thursday and are ready to get Friday done and the weekend underway. Take care all and be safe, but most of all enjoy – as you just don’t know what could change.

Kia Kaha.

Posted in Ramble. 1 Comment »

One Response to “Thursday 17 January Ramble”

  1. rangis.c  Rochelle Connell Says:

    Hi Tony
    Andy will make you coffee any time practise make perfect.
    Great Thai food awsome. Great company thanks guy’s for a great evening. Ily u both.xx Thanks for driving Sue