3 Too Many

Saturday 12 January Ramble

“Don’t trust people whose feelings change with time.  Trust people whose feelings remain the same, even when the time changes.” – Unknown

Feeling great for having a semi-decent sleep.  Missed about 2 hours all up to pain, and just odd waking pattern.  Managed several times to just snuggle back down to sleep during the night but got up about 2:30am as too sore, took meds then dozed on & off a bit till about 5am and headed back to bed. Woke again with pain about 6:45 and was feeling great and awake so up and into the day – well meds, cup of tea and a piece of toast.  What an awesome morning!!  Not to hot – hardly a noise from the city, just restful.  So read the paper for an hour – something really novel there!  Then go and get ready for the day.  Manage to cut my hair with out any slice or dicing going on so really happy about that.  In fact there is not a single nick in the flesh – so that’s a first.

Dad is coming over to collect a couple of old bookcases to take to the recycling centre for us, so get them out of the garage in case he turns up when we are out.  We are meant to be heading to Little Akaloa today to meet up with Roh, Andy and the girls and Tony, Jo and Amy as they are taking the boat out and spending the day there.  I dig out the fishing rods to throw off the wharf there too.  But it is strictly on the basis of how everyone in the Edmonds House is feeling as there is a minor bug it seems going around and also Sue’s back is that sore again (not sure how they can fix a possible fracture really without surgery – but we will cross that once a specialist has seen her.  Just seems to come right then, bang back to almost the start again.  So if you want to stay fit and well stay away from this house ;-)

Everyone up and functioning by about 10am so are planning still on heading over there even though all others left between 6:30am and 9:30 – its about a 1 1/4 hour drive there so want to hit tyhe road before it gets far to hot – already it’s 25 degrees and warming by the minute it seems!  In for a scorcher again.  Decide that by 11:15 we haven’t hit the road yet so aren’t going to go – causing a major meltdown by Jacob and stress increases all round.  Decision is reassessed and last second call to just go over and take it as we do when we arrive – but at least have a swim and a fish maybe.  So happy kids again.

Very hot, sticky drive over the hill grabbing lunch along the way and eat in the car, with tourists crawling along the roads – doesn’t make for fun for anyone.  Still not complaining really as out of the house and doing something.  Arrive there about 1:15 – finally.  Not to busy which is great.  Find the others, and Andy and Tony are just heading off to get the boat and take the kids out on the biscuit.  Pleasing to feel it is a bit cooler over the there too.  I don’t go out on the boat as not feeling the best at all, so not going to risk it.

After a couple of hours boating they call it quits and we get the fishing rods out to head to the wharf for a fish.  Have a good couple of hours feeding the fish ;-) as nothing really biting that would be worth keeping.  But have a great time having a fat chat with the Tony and Andy.  The kids get bored and head off back to the beach to go for a swim.  We eventually have enough of getting eaten by sand-flies so head back to camp too.  Sort out rods and tidy up the boot of the car then sit down and have something to eat and a cold drink.  Kids give up swimming apart from the water babies – Lachie and Kate.  Call them in and load up the cars to head home.  Decide to meet up at Roh and Andy’s as they have to wash the boat down still, and as it is such a brilliant evening seems a shame to waste it.  But all agree that it has been one of those summers days from when we were kids – no technology (as Little Akaloa has no cell coverage and iPods were locked away for the day), just swam, fished, and ate and share laughs, stories, etc on a wonderful summers day.  One of those emotional moments I told the boys later for me as some memories like this are getting vague at times, so was nice to tell them about how much I used to enjoy days like this and had always wanted to share them with my own kids.  I think they understood ;-}

Get home – I slept most of the way – and feed the kids quickly, then animals even quicker, then hit the road by foot to Roh and Andy’s. Manage to get about half a glass of soft drink down before I go out to it like a light – this of all things now is the real bastard of an interfernce in life that I hate the most.  I feel so embarassed when it happens, and lousy as to how it may make others feel.  Jo wakes me up as I need to take meds at 10pm and they are late already – bugger.  She also makes me a sweet tea to drink to help kick start me.  Sue gets my meds into me.  Sorry about going out to it folks – honestly I can’t help it and really wish that I could.  Thanks for the offer to drive me home to Jo – but the walk was perfect thanks.  Thanks not too for the marzepan candy cane Roh – yuck, yuck, yuck!!  On so many levels!!!!

Get home and get the boys settled – Sue and Lachie decide to sleep downstairs at it must be over 30 degrees upstairs still – so they get settled.  Jacob and I have some honey toast then he gets settled too.  I sit down to do the blog.  Man it is sticky hot!  Slow going as keep drifting off – sorry folks.  Hope all have had a brilliantly, enjoyable Saturday and made lots of fun and lasting memories.  Take care all.

Kia Kaha.

Posted in Ramble. 4 Comments »

4 Responses to “Saturday 12 January Ramble”

  1. theedmonds  Sue Says:

    Was a great day shared with great friends – thanks for the swim in the sea ladies! First sea swim for the summer!

  2. mark  Mark Says:

    Fantastic to hear a good day:0) magic

  3. rangis.c  Rochelle Says:

    Tony you are more than welcome to the candy cane…anytime… lol…
    It was a great day in Little A.. A bit sunburnt now.. xxx

  4. tojos  Jo and Tony Knudsen Says:

    Hi Tony

    What a great day in LA. Perfect weather to allow the world to pass us by.

    You shouldn’t be embarrassed falling asleep as we get it.
    The bites have enlarged the calf and foot enough to be a pain.
    We enjoyed the sleep in hope you got one too.
