Saturday 15 December Ramble
December 15, 2012 — Headless“Whoever said winning isn’t everything, never had to fight cancer.” – Unknown.
What is it that people are scared of? I have an illness not a fatal contagious diesease, yet soem time I feel like a lapper made to stay that safe distance from the public – just in case. It is still me here, slightly more blown up again (thanks steroids). I think feel and live just the same as before so why treat me different? I can’t answer that and can only try to think what would cause a different recaction. Anyway, with no more treatment, and only my fight left then they may get their self discovery moment sooner than they wantr, and I really hope you feel better and self satisfied. OK – enough bitiching.
New trick from the body – suffocate! Yep stop breathing and gag and gasp for air. To the point I was ripping away imaginary sheets from around my neck as they were, I though choking me. But it is not just during the night, it is now happening during the day too. It is freaking me out big time and scaring the hell out of me. No sleep in today even though I really feel like one. Up at 6:15 cup of tea, meds, then hang on – doze off again until about 7:40 – fantastic. Lay around in bed until about 9am then decide to get on with the day. Dad stops over – one car sold – yay! Down to 4 now. Head off then to do some chores and runnning around. One of them is to get a new bathroom mirror for the downstairs mirror – well that was a smashing shopping experience! No, really it was a smashing one! I lifted out the mirror we wanted then saw the mirror next to it start to slide – went to stop it then wham!! The cheap $75 mirror I had survived with a broken corener the $250 fancy one next to took the fall for the others. It just missed Jacob thankfully, else, it would’ve been far worse. Staff came flying from all directions – all cleaned up and we were sent on the way with an intact mirror. So, sorry Smiths Mitre10 – it was shelves stacking not Wilson going rouge that did it.
Home, lunch, then put mirror up and the brain is in very slow mode so takes aggggeeeessss!!!!! Taking my time to make sure it is straight and dead right. Quiet night in as Brad and Gemma are staying tonight. Have dinner, do blog, and chill out. Manage to break a drinking glass as well so on a run tonight. Don’t think I’ll risk cutting my hair for some reason I also wonder if I will get graced with some sleep tonight. Hope Saturday has smashed by for all of you too with no casualties. Take care and enjoy Sunday when we get there.
Kia Kaha.
December 16, 2012 at 12:57 pm
What was it yesterday with glasses Pinky? I dropped 2 yesterday and I don’t have any tumours as an excuse, just my natural clumsiness. Hope today (Sunday) is a better day for you although it’s pretty hot already.
December 15, 2012 at 10:44 pm
Tony good to get your feelings out but my belief is that we are all who we are and I know for sure that we all love you heaps.