3 Too Many

Friday 7 December Ramble

You cannot discover the purpose of life by asking someone else – the only way you’ll ever get the right answer is by asking yourself.” – Terri Guillemets

So how did you cope with the marathon ramble from Thursday?  Sorry about that, just so much going on and through my head at the moment, that I had -to get it out.  There will be a little bit of that today too – but not as waffled.  Eventually got to sleep last night about 2:30 then was awake again from 4 til about 4:30 then 6:30 I was awake and up.  I will be very happy when I get to wean off the Steroids properly, but that is another 2 weeks yet by the time I come off them properly.  Feeling good for having little sleep, so help Sue up as her back is packed in properly today and takes about 15 minutes to get her out of bed.  I really hope the Physio can do something for it today.  Get ready for the day and even have breakfast as my appetite is coming back and nausea is taking a hike.

Hit the road and drop Lachlan of them continue to work. Jacob and I get dropped off and walk into the office. It is a bit of an eye opener trip for him as he was in the CBD with me on Feb 22. We walk past the Farmers car park where we parked that day, and he is shocked that a 10 storey car-park is now just a 2 storey pile of dust. Give him the EQ and fire lecture on the way to ensure he is safe. Jacob is my minder today and as such he is going to be in The Press building with me, but I have a2 hour meeting so he will be on the floor without me, at the time. Get in and get settled – provide iced chocolate, and a piece of cake as bribery. It works. Meeting goes great and finishes about 11:30.

Head upstairs and pack up as feeling quite drained. Jacob and I say our good byes, and hit the road for home. Trouble it is absolutely pissing down with rain. Walk around too the bus exchange as thought that a different form of transport is needed now. Plus it is a bit of as different adventure, especially for me as it is about 4 years since I last rode on a bus. We decide we both need food so get off at McDonalds. Have a grand feed – thanks steroids! See Aubery there and have a quick catch up, then Aub heads off. Jacob and I scoff down more food then head out into the rain. Get home absolutely soaked! So what.

Have a great arvo just taking it easy as feeling really fragile. Go of to indoor footy to watch Lachie play.  Has a brilliant game and they win 14 – 2. Catch up to with Sean, Wendy and boys, as Lachie is lLaSalle playing against their son, Lachlan. Head home then via the Curry and Chinese food outlets and the DVD store. Get a couple of movies run into Lisa and then Wendy. Quick Hi then off home. Have a very nice dinner then about to settle down to watch a DVD . Craig and the boys arrive then for a visit and a catch up. Have a couple of Bourbons as nothing to lose. And a great catch up. They head of for the night. Boys to bed.  I do the last of my meds for today then head to bed too.

A good day all up, especially the time with Jacob, as been the best day in many a while. I did expect to write this earlier and also they are a couple of things that I want to share about that happened over the time I had in hospital. This will have to wait until tomorrow at the earliest. It is quite important in how it seems to be controlling a lot of how I am feeling currently.

Trust all have had a fab Friday and totally enjoyable day leading to a fantastic weekend. Take care and be careful , you never know whose watching ;-) Take care all. Thanks for all the support.

Kia Kaha.

Posted in Ramble. 1 Comment »

One Response to “Friday 7 December Ramble”

  1. k.p.marxen  Pam Says:

    Dear and lovely Tony, just don’t beat yourself up – you are one courageous person and even at your really bad moments your wacky senes of humour shows through. Love you heaps and your family as well.