3 Too Many

Monday 12 November Ramble

“I don’t suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.” – Unknown

Well woke at 4 am due to pain then 4:30 then 5-6 am, and finally managed to get some rest. Body sleep robbing pain. Uses the dark of the night to fleece you of sleep and drain your senses. So consequently very tired now. Woke about 7:30 and got ready to face the day. Busy one in-store today. Manage to not be feeling nauseous thankfully something is on my side! Have some breakfast then we hit the road. Going to the museum today with the boys. Wee head into town and meet with Jane and John. Have a look around the place then go and get some lunch.

Sorry about yesterday’s rant. And big thanks to those that sent messages of support – it really helps knowing you’re there and just been able to contact you when the going gets tough – not that I contacted anyone but those who checked in on me know who you are. I’m now in a better frame of mind and no humans were harmed in the writing of this or any other blog. I just have to vent how I feel sometimes and if it is through this medium then it has to be better than acting out. To be honest about today and how I am feeling, it could be classed as happily sad. I’m happy and in a good place but sad is how I feel deep inside. This really doesn’t make sense, does it? I have been dwelling on a lot about just how good a person have I really being? What have I done to hurt people and how many times has it been all intentionally. What could I have done better to help people.what could I have done to change my life and that of others? So if I have hurt you in anyway then I am truly sorry. If you deserved it then long may you continue to suffer. And for all those that have wished bad or nasty things on me- bring it on MoFo, cause it can’t get any worse than this. Well I guess sad has just really given way to angry – hmmm!!! Could be an interesting night.

Quiet arvo then not doing much. Feeling very tired and drawn now. Manage to stay awake though during the drive home. Have a small dinner as nausea is back and eating is out. Watch TV and have a chat about things, blog and then bed time as another early start and really starting to hurt now. M&D as I think I could manage one today. Could really do several Jim Blacks but won’t while the Chemo hangover is still present. Hope all have had a good Monday and its not to busy. Take care. Another short and sweet one tonight, but I promise that Wednesdays blog will be an epic one. Wait and see. Till then it’s Good night from me and its Good night from him – Good night.

Kia Kaha.

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