Thursday 1 November Ramble
November 1, 2012 — Headless“Everybody wants to go to heaven; but nobody wants to die.” – Albert King
“I always try to cheer myself up by singing when I get sad. Most of the time, it turns out that my voice is worse than my problems.” – unknown
Bugger all broken sleep, hurting more too than yesterday, so decide to stay home to rest and try to get myself right. OK to clarify this – not in a good way yesterday, heading downhill health wise, take a half a sleeping pill 30 mins before bed, thinking that I’ll get a good sleep in and wake feeling better. Finally got to sleep about 1:30am. Wake many times in pain – guess the sleeping tabs don’t block the pain when you’re sleeping. Awoke about 7am feeling no better. Take all the meds I can and wait out about 30mins or so, and no change in pain levels (about a 4-5 with the peaks at times hitting about 6-7). Make the call to stay home and flag work, as can’t concentrate either. Making a cup of tea takes an exhausting amount or energy to do and is so painful as every joint is aching – especially my finger joints. Family all head off in their respective directions to work and school. I get through the shower hoping that the hot water will sooth the joints enough to allow me to move properly. I am bloody sure though that I won’t be heading into the hospital as that place is for sick people and I’m not sick!
Slow day moping around the house trying to find a comfortable place to sit or lay down. Can’t even stand watching TV as it is to noisy and boring. Sue gets home about 2pm and Nutty comes over to have a coffee and a catch up. Jacob then gets home, and the smiley Lachie finally turns up too. The peace and quiet is broken – ahh – wouldn’t trade them for the world. More drugs fixes all – well I hope it does. Feeling lousy and sore still.
Quiet evening, doing little, and trying to get comfortable. Stare at the TV then M&D time – full sleeping pill this time and a wish for some sleep and the pain to ease. Sorry if yesterdays ramble didn’t make sense or veered off topic several times – that’s what drugs do to you Short and sweet today as can’t concentrate enough to make a lot of sense and don’t want to let some of the stuff in my head out as it would scare you. Take care all.
Kia Kaha.
November 2, 2012 at 7:55 pm
HI tony, still reading and empathising – you tell it all in a real way that leaves me both awed nd respectful and I have the feeling that you’re winning i=out of pure gut and straight ‘stuff the world ‘ stuff – good on you!