Thursday 6 September Ramble
September 6, 2012 — Headless“The happiest moments my heart knows are those in which it is pouring forth its affections to a few esteemed characters.” – Thomas Jefferson
No major head pain today but a restless sleep due to the body aching and sore. Every time I turned over it was enough to wake me. Pain killers are not taking away the body aches unfortunately Lay awake from about 6am taking in the magnificent view of the ceiling! Loosing enthusiasm about getting up in the morning, which I guess is a bad thing really, as I have every reason to get up and face each day, even if it is a pain ridden one. For I have to make each day worth living for. There is only a limited number of them and for each bad one, there will be a good one, and there are enough bad days to come really. Get up finally and get ready for work.
Head into the office via the Vampires Lear (the blood testing lab) as need to have levels checked to make sure that I can start the next round of Chemo. Then walk to the office as it is already 18 degrees outside so may as well make the most of the warm weather. Get to the office and Tim (new IT section boss) and Aaron (my teams boss) are there. Have a chat with Tim about things. And then a group morning tea, unfortunately the nausea feeling and horrible taste in my mouth don’t really do any favours for wanting to eat anything. I do manage a juice and at Cath’s recommendation a slice of Banana cake. Get on with the day. Having a good day today and head off about 2:30 as wearing down.
Walk home as it is so warm still, and it might help with the pain a bit. You may think that’s mad, but I have found that on bad days pushing myself actually works wonders for lowering the pain level (well a bit anyway) and refreshing the mental attitude too. It is dealing out my energy levels in little doses. And it seems to have worked, as I feel good when I get home. But by 7pm I am starting to go down hill again really. Jacob cooks dinner tonight – Sushi – but I’m not indulging in any as my stomach is not agreeing. Damn you nausea! Mind you it was salmon, so no lost as I hate Salmon – blah! Actually I should try it with my taste buds as it might taste good. Then again it is Salmon and there is no way it could taste good, even with my taste buds. I’ll make spagetti aioli instead as that I can stomach and taste – yum.
Sit down to do blog before Mrs Browns Boys comes on – can’t miss the one decent thing on tv. Before heading to bed to read as that seems to work a treat for putting me to sleep. That could actually explain why I don’t like reading books really, as they take so long when on a good day, I can read maybe 10 pages before the eyelids shut, some days I’ll even make it through 1 page Anyhow, W&D time then to bed. Have a great day/arvo/evening all. Take care and have a fun Friday.
Kia Kaha.
September 7, 2012 at 9:57 pm
Go the mighty salmon!!!
September 7, 2012 at 7:16 pm
Hi Tony
We had a great 19 degrees yesterday, loving this spring weather to. Pleased to hear you have found exercise helps on bad days, I had a big walk today to clear the head of excessive red wine from last nights book club, worked for me to, love to all, take care