3 Too Many

Monday 3 September Ramble

“A tear is made of 1% water and 99% feelings.” – Unknown

5am awaking today, after I finally got to sleep about 1am.  Bloody stuffed sleep patterns. There is only so much staring at the ceiling you can tolerate before you start going loopy (or in my case loopier!).  It also didn’t help having a couple of nightmares that woke me in between.  Guess the dark places are getting a bit real in my mind.  They can stay away really. Decide to get up about 6 and get on with the day.  Seem to be rifting back into the dark places, but managing to keep myself out of getting very down about it.  It does take a big effort really as there is so much that keeps coming to mind to deal with and on bad days it seems to be worse.  I’ll be fine, just saying though that things aren’t all plain sailing.  Bad day with the nausea too – can’t stomach anything but water today, and food is out of the question.  Feeling crappy because of it, and aching all over again.  I must ask the Chemo Doc about that as it seems to be a new feature.

Drag the boys out of bed about 7. Dad arrives then to take us to school & work.  We head out the door and get just around the corner before Jacob announces he is going to be sick.  Quickly evacuate the car and head home with him.  Lachie and Dad continue on their way.  Jacob just makes it home before disposing of his breakfast.  I don’t really feel much better but that’s normal anyway.  Jacob heads to bed then and I login to work.  Quiet day really. Jacob makes several more trips to the bathroom before doing his usual and bouncing back.  I make him a bed on the couch so I can keep an eye on him.

Lachie arrives home. I get dinner ready while the boys shower.  Lachlan then decides to join Jacob with up-chucking.  Great!  He says he’s fine and eats dinner still.  Boys wait up for Sue to get home.  Craig is picking her up from the airport – thanks Craig.  Have a catch up about how the holiday and party was.  Boys head to bed, as they will be going to school tomorrow.

Not far off heading to bed either as lack of sleep has caught me up.  I get the blog done and then attempt to have a Milo – not good.  Head to bed then to read as that is a sure thing for making me sleep.  Have a lovely day/arvo/evening all.

Kia Kaha.

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