3 Too Many

Saturday 11 August Ramble – Updated

Sorry folks tomorrow for this one as had a busy day and now loaded with Chemo which is messing me up a bit too much – pain & mentally so will resist what would be a rant about having to suffer the Chemo and crap that comes with it rather than blog about a day.

Ggggrrr – nearly 1:30 & still awake. Sodden bastard drugs!!! Sleeping pills maybe next.  I will win this sleep war and rest. Then blog in the morning.

We’ll first dose of Chemo by candle light on Friday (trying doing the drugs late evening this time to see if I can have a normalish day still) has worked with interesting impact. Back aching again, head fogging up quickly and general restlessness. Wake up multiple times too with joints aching so shuffle here and there.  Yay – I’ve missed my chemo friends – not!! Up in time together boys ready for footy. Manage to force down a muffin split as need to eat something. One way of trying to beat the nausea I have found is to speed eat. Sounds disgusting but as everything tastes lousy and I need food its sort of race to get pass the taste buds!  Tremors are bad today affecting both legs and arms – bother! Oh well guess this defines me for today.

Lachies first up for footy against CTFC and they have a fantastic game winning 8-0. Then off to Jacobs game against Nomads – unfortunately they weren’t as sharp and went down 5-1. Home then for lunch.

Again go for the gold medal in speed eating and get close to a record time for a muffin split and spaghetti. Grab my footy gear – just in case – and hitch a ride with fish to the Pinkies game. Good game – we have to win to be in with a chance of playing in the final next week. Manage to get a 2-2 draw from them so will have to wait and see. I didn’t end up playing as the lads all did so fantastically and didn’t breakdown that I wasn’t needed. Actually this was a good thing as I had so many pain killers on board I could hardly feel my legs so could have made some fun viewing. Would have run around even more random than normal ;-) Off back to the Nest for a drink after the sideline beers. No meat packs or alcohol today – bugger. Still feeling reasonably good. Head home about 6:45 – thanks Fish – as can’t eat after 7:30 cause of the Chemo routine. Yep now monitor every minute of the evening and thankfully not having an appetite makes it easy to ensure an empty tum.

Roh, Andy and the girls are visiting when I get home. Have a good evening with lots of laughs and enjoy a very yummy dinner thanks to the Andrews family – thank you Megan and Stuff. Sit watching the clock ready to start day 2! 9:30 – first lot on board. 10:30 next lot. Roh and Andy head off – I don’t turn into a monster or something so you don’t need to run away! Teasing you. Hang out about another 45 mins for the next drugs. Getting fuzzy and wound up early tonight – not good. Give the quick blog update for those in the know. Then crawl to bed. Finish my book then try to start the next one I’ve just downloaded – thanks for the suggestion :-) To restless to read really so pain killers and lights off. Stare at ceiling for next hour. Decide to try to read again. Nope not into it – getting shifty!! Think of blogging – nope it’ll all be bad if I do. Finally drift off about 2:30 but have a crap sleep. So be it.

So this brings us to Sunday – with no Sun only rain. Will cobble out a better Ramble today, but here’s Saturday in a nutshell.

Till this evenings enlightening tail, stay safe, warm and happy cause I want you here to read this.

Kia Kaha.

Posted in Ramble. 1 Comment »

One Response to “Saturday 11 August Ramble – Updated”

  1. rangis.c  Rochelle Says:

    Thanks guys for fab great night, and you right Ant there was alot of laughing great for the our old people.. Ant we know you will not turn into a monster.. lol Had to head home to try pineapple.. .. Thanks again