3 Too Many

Monday 6 August Ramble

“If Ignorance is Bliss, Why Aren’t There More Happy People?” – Unknown

Morning campers – yep 5:45 awakening, but feeling good for it. Lay there taking in how the mood is until I given in to the head pain and head downstairs for the early breakfast of pills :-(  But I am feeling clear-headed, positive and ready to face pretty much anything.  In fact it is a day I have not had feeling like this in a long time.  I could take on any battle at the moment and be confident to win it.  So watch out mofo’s – I’m back to make your efforts harder again (just ease up on the cranial pressure you are applying as that is taking an unfair advantage of your position ;-)

Drugs are good and work wonders, and even manage to stomach a protein shake for brekky – well second brekky as the drugs were first.  Get ready and we’re off and racing in the Monday morning running late stakes.  Got to drop Jacob and Lachie at school and me at work and Sue has to get to work by 9am – and it is about a 15km trip in rush hour and we leave at 8:15am!  Mission accomplished!  Well for me and the boys anyway. I walk into work about 8:50am.  Haven’t checked out the demo’ed NewsTalk building – but then again one flat Christchurch building is much like the other really. 

Steady morning at work.  Missing Cath in Auckland and Bernard, day off, but Shaz, Alison, Jono & Martijn are there to entertain and watch over me.  Listen to some positive music today – ACDC & Guns ‘ n’ Roses not the maudlin stuff that I have been listening too.  Still feeling great – yahoo – blues may have gone away finally.  Sue picks me up about 1:15 and head home, then to get the lads.  Home to relax a bit more.  Feeling a bit drawn – aka the usual afternoon fatigue!  Get a second wind and we all go for a walk to get some fresh air – and it is bloody fresh.

Home then for dinner, then sit down to repair my home laptop – yep even IT geeks break their computers!  Hard drive has packed a wobbly!  Now I can’t get it started again – ggrrr!!  While it’s trying to recover do the blog and watch some TV.  Mofo’s are moving around again and are going to so get a dose of pan killers soon.  Better still they’re going to get a dose of nuclear Chemo come Friday which will sort their sorry butts! I hope.  Anyhow – enough rambling – oh wait that’s what it is about isn’t it. Have a good day/arvo/evening – stay safe, stay happy.

Kia Kaha.

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