3 Too Many

Wednesday 12 June Ramble

T Day = 38 (Adjuvant chemoradiation) – 3 Radiation & 6 Chemo to go this round.

Another day – another broken sleep – small but close (4.5km away)  3.8 mag shake at 2:15 which woke me, then head started hurting, and finally the stomach pain joined the party at 5:30 so decided to get up seen the rest of me is joining in stages!  I’ll opt for the singular wake up method ;-)  And bugger me if I then don’t get cramp in my bloody foot!  Ahhh – some days you just have it all not at once but in stages.  Get on with sorting drugs – only 5 more days of the strict regime but I will still have a number of sort and take at certain times.  Just not needing to start at 6am.  Make a cuppa and start checking emails and start work on the blog, as if I’ve had a crappy sleep then I’m going to fade off this arvo – as usual :-( – be productive while I can be.

Get on with the day as zapping is at 9:10 today and Nevil is my driver again, but we are dropping off Jacob at school on the way so need to hit the road about 8am at the latest.  Traffic is not to bad today, and make it to hospital early which is great as they take me through early. THe put new alignments marks on to the mask and zapping is quick – no CT scan and mask fits well so makes it so much better.  Then off to work.  Another busy day but fading by mid arvo so arrange to get transported home after Jacob is collected.  I will be happy when I’m off the steroids and Radiation so I can have some more energy levels come back.  Will look at even starting back into a gym routine again I think as the terrible hospital scales yesterday said I’ve put on another bloody 2kgs!!!  That means I have put on 17.5kgs all up – no way!! Debbie Jones – my old boss – comes into The Press to see her old staff & friends – nice to have coffee & catch up.

Get home and Jacob crawls into bed as he is tired and fell asleep in the car.  Lachlan arrives home about 5 mins after us so perfect timing.  Login and do a bit more work so all good.  Having a good day all up though really starting to fade now.  Doing more research on the tumors and treatment, the drugs they are using on me.  I know it seems a bit late but round 2 of this battle is going to be harder and far longer – I won’t finish until early mid January – so need to this time really be prepared for what I’m in for.  Want to stay off the bloody steroids – but know I have to be on during the treatment.  On the downside they convert protein to fat and store it!  Ahh – protein is for muscle-building / repair not weight gaining through fat storing – dammit – going to find out how to change this.

Also I got sent a link for a surgeon in Aussie that looks at operating on inoperable tumors so going to look into it a bit more.  Still the type I have could mean that it is not an option as they are not normal straight out tumors – they have a fuzzy outer round them which also makes it harder for them to be operated on.  Still can only see what they say but it won’t be a do it now option – just a maybe later if needed to be considered.

Watch some TV, finish off the Blog – answer some comments and look up some more about the Surgeon. Then M&D and bed as tired from the restless night last night.  Also wonder if we’ll have the hat trick of 2 amish quakes tonight ;-)

Take care all.

Kia Kaha.

Posted in Ramble. 3 Comments »

3 Responses to “Wednesday 12 June Ramble”

  1. yellowiglass  Dutch Says:

    Yeah , I remember that episode of 60 minutes also and thought the surgeon had great empathy for his patients . Just wanted you to know I read your blog every day Pinky and am hugely impressed with your attitude and your courage , you’re very inspirational to my family mate !!

    • southez  Headless Says:

      Hi Dutch,

      Sorry for the slow reply. Discussed the Gamma Knife with the Doc’s and at this stage they suggest against it, but haven’t ruled out anything after the 6 months Chemo, so early next year yet.

      Thanks for the suppport too man. It is encouraging to hear and knowing that others take something from whats happpening and helps me hugely in focusing on the fight ahead.

      Take care all.

  2. annaandnick  Anna and Nick Says:

    I think I remember a 60 minute programme that had the surgeon on it. He was from an asian family and he does some really out there surgeries. He isn’t really liked by other professionals as they don’t think its ethical. But when they interviewed some of his clients they raved about him and how he brought them time to spend with family. Give me a week to finish my assignment and I’ll help you research it. Anna.