Thursday 7 June Ramble – Finally after Blogsite Crashed
June 8, 2012 — HeadlessT Day = 32 (Adjuvant chemoradiation) – 7 Radiation & 11 Chemo to go this round.
Well – seems that not long after I posted Wednesdays Blog the site had issues (nothing I could do to fix it sorry) – and also meant that I could not do Thursdays blog.
Slept in again and woke to the alarm, at 5:50 – shuffle downstairs to get the first load of drugs on board in time. Then sort out the order of the rest into their little pottles for the day. Liking this been on lower Steroids levels as actually sleeping thru/better and feeling overall so much better – more energy, not so foggy and able to function better. Need to be on the ball today time wise as the snow is now ice and worse than snow to try to drive on. I get zapped at 10:10 and Jacob starts school at 10:30 and Lachlan at 11am as I’m getting dropped off Jacob gets a text saying that they have just closed his school and then we find out that Lachlan schools has just been shut too. So Sue heads home with the boys and I’ll just walk around to Press House after treatment so I can get somethings done that I can’t do remotely.
Treatment is running late as they are sort staffed due to the snow and ice. Finally get strapped in 30 mins late – take the time putting the mask on this morning & all good. As it has spacers on it they have to CT scan me everyday to make sure the alignment is correct. I also have a meeting with the Speech Therapist to followup with how I’m going with my eating & swallowing. All good – actually a good day in the hospital all round.
Head off to Press House by foot – love frosty mornings – and even better snowy, icy mornings when it’s sunny. There is just something invigorating about them! Only dodgy thing is the muppet drivers that just don’t get it with the roads and are sliding around everywhere – which makes it fun when you’re a pedestrian as you’re just waiting for a car to come flying at you. Get to work and not many folk there – including no IT folk. Get on with things and enjoy the solitude (not that I don’t want others around but nice to have time alone). Jono turns up not long before lunch – which is surprising as he lives on the hills and the ice is bad up there.
Get a ride home then about 2:30 as we have the builder turning up, who is doing the quake repairs to the house, at 3pm to go over the scope of works. Good meeting with him as get to discuss several things he is doing that we needed clarification on. Sunny day turns to a cold frosty night again as the temp plunges quickly when the sun sets.
Go over to the Mathews Home after dinner as Viv is down for Daniels 5th birthday. Have a lovely catch up with all. Then home again and try to get on with doing the blog – but the site is still down Oh well – get on with other things. Starting to fade off a bit so think it’ll be an earlish night tonight. Crap on TV so play on laptop but board of that too.
M&D time and hit the hay early. Hope you all had a lovely day and keep safe, warm or cool, and didn’t miss the blog too much as your night time read to put you to sleep
Kia Kaha.