Sunday 3 June Ramble
June 3, 2012 — HeadlessT Day = 28 (Chemo only in weekends) 14 Chemo to go this round.
New record – 7 1/2 hours sleep!! Have slept from 10:30 ish til 6am straight – wondered what the hell the noise next to me was – it was my alarm telling me to take my drugs! So I guess the steroids decrease is starting to help in that I am able to sleep better. Though I’ve had a longer sleep I feel crappy for it – foggy feeling today and already feeling nauseous from the drugs and all I’ve had are the anti nausea and stomach lining protection ones! Body is aching too like I’ve been beaten. One of these days coming up I feel! Oh well might be time if needed to break out the extra special anti nausea drugs that stop the first ones making you ill – don’t you love it – they stack the drugs to so they counter each other.
Joh is up early too as she needs to be at the airport by 7:30am as her flight leaves at 9:30. It is literally a flying visit and has been great to see her – pity it is so short though – but understand. Sad saying bye – but will see you here or there very soon. Well provided they lift my travel ban – it will be there as give the boys a holiday too at the theme parks (honest its the boys that want to go). Thanks for visiting Joh – wonderful to see you
Keep up the drugs – will be odd not getting up early and having to clock watch to take drugs in 2 weeks time – might even be novel and sleep in! Hell I might even feel a bit more normal as I’ll drop from 15 drugs a day (not including pain killers) to 7. Hopefully the energy levels will bounce back too. This is the stabilisation month to recover and let my blood levels come back a bit, and let the swelling in my brain from the radiation settle as well. They have even said that I may be able to indulge in a small beer occasionally!
Have a bit of a moment while in the shower thinking about how sometimes I have people saying to me – that what I’m / we’re going through is not all about me – it is also about those around me. Well there are some days that I think that those that pass those comments need to stop, think and put themselves in my shoes! Empathy not sympathy – and understand the type of cancer that I am dealing with. I have a terminal brain cancer – therefore I have an unknown amount of time left with unknown effects – where as those left will keep going long after I’m gone – I accept this – so accept that I accept this but don’t tell me that I’m missing or not watching how others are affected. Also accept that on 16 March when they found the tumors but did not know what they were that everything in my world started to change, then the 30 March news meant that the world as I had it was now a different place – I had to rewrite everything that defined me – I was facing dealing with an unknown amount of time left, with 3 aggressive tumors, with an unknown treatment plan or even what sort of treatment they could provide for – but that’s OK I can deal with this because regardless of what they plan for you either way it’s the same end game. It’s like if I push myself some days its cause I want too – I do know my limits still leave me to it – I’m not a dog that sits on request cause I look tired! I’ll more probably bite. With the tumors and drugs and treatment yes there are mental changes happening – I forget things, I can’t make judgement calls immediately, I need a few minutes to process things sometimes. I hate not having any independence anymore – imagine yourself reading from this point on that you can no longer drive, can’t drink, need 24 hour supervision and can’t do an activity that you love! Work and life plans, travel – all gone. Welcome to your new reduced life – by the way – it sucks (they don’t tell you that). It is a lot to deal with and process – you suddenly become reliant on others, and some days do really weigh heavily on you and pee you off no end! I try to be normal and shelter others from how bad the effects I am suffering are and just suck it up as I don’t want to show the world just how bad some days really get. But please stop telling me it not all about me – I do realise that! There – grump done – well not really a grump more a just letting you know where my heads at sometimes. I guess what I’m saying is just cause I’m dealing with what I’ve been dealt – don’t dismiss that as I’m not needing a bit more understanding sometimes – I don’t need to be wrapped in cotton wool – but I do need to be understood that I am dealing now with visible changes – I have lost my hair, my face is swollen, I have put on weight, but I am also dealing with mental changes – as mentioned above. If I decide to eat something don’t add your opinion to it – I may have been dealing with 5 hours of nausea waves and not eaten – I don’t judge or comment on others choices – at 44 I can make my own choices. I’m here still and intend to be for as long as I can – that is the unknown. But I am changing – subtly some days, but there are changes – blob in eye, hair loss, clarity thinking, sleeplessness, etc. I have good days where all is good, I have bad days where I have to hold myself outside the dark places that will consume you if you were so inclined, and stay in control. Shit happens to all people not just bad or good – as I’ve said before we are dealt what we can handle no matter how hard.
Having a bad day all round now – can’t think straight, nausea is ruling and pain is starting to be the top dog. Stronger pain killers not doing a lot so may end up top shelf yet to get on top of this – very sucky!! Have lunch through the nausea but can bearly move with the pain :- ( – given in to the strong pain killers at 4pm. The Halswell Pinkies are playing against Western today and go down 3-2 bugger it. Sorry I couldn’t make it guys – sure you did Halswell proud.
Quiet arvo as it hurts too much to move around. We have Abigail (niece) over for tea tonight – so doing home-made burgers – yummy – I will force myself to eat those. FInish off the grumpy blog today. Off to take pain killers – strongest I can and other drugs and off to bed I think – need rest. Getting zapped at 10am tomorrow – yep enjoy the sleep-in folks – I’ll be up at 5:45 as usual to med up and get ready for the day ahead.
Have a good one.
Kia Kaha.
June 6, 2012 at 11:57 am
hello pinkie i bet this is a bit of a surprise. i fill in for you yesterday and while not up to your standard i mangaged to get the odd tackle in usually after they had passed the ball so no surprise there. we played ok with just eleven but just couldnt get the goal for a draw .it is all about you pinkie i think you told me that on a regular basis over the past 12 years so carry on.look forward to catching up this saturday they need your special guidance from the sideline c u there . Later Dude, Aubrey
June 5, 2012 at 1:56 pm
It’s good that you can let all of your thoughts out on here, some will understand others may take a little longer but you don’t need to justify any of it. It’s a shit poker hand you’ve been dealt, you can either play it down and take the loss or you can fight it out and somehow manage to gain a few chips back on the way, which is what you are doing. Take everyone’s comments on board and sift any out that you don’t agree with at the end of the day we all have your best at heart. Keep on fighting Tony – hug your beautiful wife for me and tickle the kids for us. Big love xoxoxox
June 4, 2012 at 5:53 pm
Tony, don’t feel guilty about being reliant on others. You have done so much for others it is now payback time for others to help you. Great catching up with you on Friday. Take care. Ann
June 13, 2012 at 9:47 pm
Hi Ann, thanks – I know I’ve got to take what’s been offered but it’s hard when it’s not in my nature really. Was great seeing you too. When are you going to join us in the new building? See they’re opening Gloucester as a one way (vehicles) 2 way (pedestrians) next week and also Durham.
Hope Nelson is going well.
Take care.
June 4, 2012 at 4:41 pm
hello pinkie i bet this is a bit of a surprise. i fill in for you yesterday and while not up to your standard i mangaged to get the odd tackle in usually after they had passed the ball so no surprise there. we played ok with just eleven but just couldnt get the goal for a draw .it is all about you pinkie i think you told me that on a regular basis over the past 12 years so carry on.look forward to catching up this saturday they need your special guidance from the sideline c u there . Later Dude, Aubrey
June 13, 2012 at 9:43 pm
Hey Aubery,
Fancy you using a computer and stalking me Teasing you man! Good to hear that you followed through with the tackle after the ball was played – it was only Western after all so they are used to been kicked!
Sorry I haven’t made the games the past couple of weeks – the treatment has knocked my energy levels for a 6 and with the cold weather have to watch I don’t get ill as I don’t have an immune system either really. Hope to make this weeks game though.
And it is all about me – why do you thing I yell so loudly
Later Dude – take care.
June 4, 2012 at 12:27 am
It was brilliant seeing you and being able to put my ‘wee big sister’ hat on and boss you around….lol. Yep it was sad saying goodbye, and yep I had a few tears driving to the airport. Lucky it was dark, and I purposely didn’t wear mascara this morning cos I didn’t want to look like a panda boarding the plane. I feel slightly relieved now I’ve seen you and faced the reality, as even though I know what is happening I felt sheltered in some ways being so far away. The thing is it doesn’t matter what you look like on the outside, cos you are still the same person on the inside that I have had around for 44 years of my life. That is more important than anything to me.
Love you all xxxxx
June 4, 2012 at 6:57 am
It was brilliant to see you too – and have my wee big sis boss me round I’m not going anywhere for quite a while – well not intending to anyway (though days like yesterday with the pain make you want to rock in a corner – it’s OK I can manage that though). Yep – I’m still here bald, and looking like the Michelin man but it’s still me and 3 unwanted head guests.
The visual chnage outside is more a way of coping for me – others can see something’s different – and I don’t like that sort of attention, but I am learning to deal with it – I have too.
Love you Joh – enjoy been back in the tropics (it is -2 here at the mo – refreshing) xxx