3 Too Many

Wednesday 9 May Ramble

Morning campers – lovely 5:30am start today but had a decent 5 hour odd sleep without too much extra mind activity!   Mind you I have been thinking about  a blurb I’m going to write for the Halswell Premiers Chatham Cup game this weekend – feel quite privileged. So with this in mind head downstairs for the day as first drugs for treatment start at 6am everyday so may as well be ready.  Surprising I feel fantastic both energy and mentally so feel happy too.  Then Chemo on board at 7am – these I am starting to notice now the kidneys start to ache painfully about 30 mins after taking them – I’ll be fine. But noting these things and changes.  Have a chuckle when changing razor blades this morning – thinking that it maybe the last ransom price I have paid to these companies for shaving blades and foam as soon enough the hair will be gone, baby gone!  Oh and no more shampoo / conditioner – yep you do use it on a number 1 cut.  I have a special cream to put on my head instead.

Need to stick to times today as need to be at the hospital at 8:30 this morning for Radiation – this leaves me about 10 minutes to eat breakfast in the plan else it will be about 10:30 before I can eat and take the next drugs – easy peasy.  Dad arrives early to take me to the hospital – then hassles me about leaving – growl at him that I have to eat to take drugs – sorry Dad – was unfair but like yesterday – it is about me and I am running on a unflexible timeline.  Called to treatment room 3 and into see my friendly team that administer my Radiation.  I know the routine now, in on bed, locked into mask, buzz, zap, snap, crackle, pop – all done!  While getting zapped I think about why I’m laying here getting what in normal senses is a massive overdose of radiation X-Rays aimed at me, yep I am un-worried in any way about it.  It is the because of the fabulous team that administer it.  These folk are friendly, young (avg age for my team would be early – mid thirties I think) and are just so caring and relaxed about it – how can I feel stressed around such calm?  I leave with a red face/head (which fades) and looking like I’ve just slept on a tennis racquet (thanks to the grid system on the mask).  I actually don’t care what other people think it looks like (which is unusual for me in a way).  We’re off again 20 mins later.  Heading to Logistics and work – decide to make a surprise visit to the Portacare crew and work as feeling so good and I need to have some routine in my life with things.  Though will be watching my energy levels very closely.

My wonderful colleagues are wrapped to see me and we go about a catch up with everything.  Then I get on and do some work – wonderful to be able to a) remember somethings b) feel useful.  Energy and mental levels fluctuate more than the US dollar at the moment.  Then mid morning the drain opens and out pours the energy :-(  others notice it which I find interesting and helpful.  I manage to rally again and have a catch up with the wonderful Valerie over coffee which helps to keep me rolling on.  Pretty soon it is lunch time – and guess what – not Cafe Raeward Today (caught you out) we decide to head to our other haunt (Tavern Harewood).  Have lovely lunch with good company (put down the cellphone Jono!).  Then back to Logistics to await my ride home.

Needing a rest definitely by the time I walk in the door as fading energy (it is like someone is turning a dimmer switch up and down at random on your body energy levels).  No warning – they just plummet.  So head for a nap and sneak in an hour or so.

My younger sister Sarah and niece Magenta turn up for a visit which is fantastic – I’ve been looking forward to seeing them again.  Have  great catch up about lots then they leave, as they’re heading for dinner at La Porchetta – nice.  We’re having Blue Cod and mash and veges – yummy – I’ve been craving it since yesterday so perfect timing! Hopefully the munted taste buds can taste it properly.  Thank goodness I can!  Lachlan tells us that he had been made Captain of the school football team for year 5-6 ‘s – so very proud of him!  He is very pround and it really has made his day and mine.

On to blog time now as fading again – and still got to do the footy blurb.

Sorry if the liveliness has gone out of the blog a bit over the past few days but with all the drugs and tiredness I get very fuzzy and it becomes hard to concentrate. I will look to zig it up again soon.  But on a passing note for amusement – I have had a couple of people ask how Wilson (the rogue left hand is going now).  Well Wilson has come and gone and tried to return but I am battling to keep him away.  He will not return – and his loose left leg is keeping in order too.  There are days I have to retrain them to function properly but it is about 95% of normal compared to about 20% 3 weeks ago.  Some of the odd spelling is thanks to Wilson – so sorry about that.

M&D time at 10-10:30ish for those joining in ;-)  – (that’s Milo, drugs 7 and a sweet treat as got to eat with the drugs).  You could just try the MIlo and sweet – I don’t want to encourage drug use thanks – I’m taking enough for all!

Kia Kaha.

10 Responses to “Wednesday 9 May Ramble”

  1. kazbury  Karen Says:

    That will learn me, just burnt the mushrooms because I was too busy reading a certain blog!! XO

    Karen (again)

    • southez  Headless Says:

      OH – bugger – so does that mean that you were reading about about some fungi (fun guy) and forgot about the others in the room? Sorry couldn’t resist the attempt at humour!


  2. kazbury  Karen Says:

    I’m over the early starts myself!!! (yes Sue, I know!!)
    Well done Cap’n Lachster, I’m sure you will be an awesome captain.
    Well I learnt two things today – Tony, I thought you were bald naturally, didn’t know it was a number 1!!! and I just thought spelling wasn’t one of your talents so there you go!
    Enough cheek, take care.

    • southez  Headless Says:

      Early starts – this week has just turned to late / no finishes for me :-( – bugger that’s right you start very red eyed.

      Thanks Karen – I still sort of have hair – the family haven’t taken it all away in stress yet ;-) – but the treatment will win I think. The spelling – well between, WIlson, a random spell checker that wants to only do random things in American, an dit usually is late, and I’m under the influence of drugs that make me dopier – I apologise whole heartedly. YOu are not the first to pass comment – so I will try to sharpen it all up for you ;-)

      Have a great day and awesome weekend all.

  3. jenny.a.armstrong  Jenny Says:

    If Sue doesn’t clout you over the ear for that comment, then I will .;)
    Hey you and Sue should be so proud of Lachlan & Jacob, they are doing so well in their sport lately ,as I am sure they are in many other areas as well…a credit to you both ..and did I mention adorable.
    Nice reading daily about your journey and the family xx

    • southez  Headless Says:

      I look forward to a non-fry pan armed clout then Jen ;-)

      They are doing brilliantly – a good outlet for them to be able to zone out from home & other pressures.

      Glad you’re enjoying iy.

      Take care x

  4. Tomlins5  Shona Tomlins Says:

    Hi tony pleased to hear your coping with all the drugs so far. Reading through the days, can’t believe how much coffee being drunk, are you sure you need all those drugs, surely that amount of coffee should do the trick.
    Thats coming from a green tea drinker of course who can’t stand the stuff. Your day sounds very busy, might have to get to the gym myself, I’ve been taking Lilly to pool at 5am three times a week, it’s the best time of the day, the brain is very clear once I’ve had that green tea, been hitting the book work amazing how much I can get done. Hoping tomorrows a good day for you. Hugs to all.

    • southez  Headless Says:

      Hey there Shona, I’m a greeen tea drinker too – just have to keep the balance in check weith the caffine as it helps lots ;-) I love the early mornings as there is something about the time that energises you for the day – especailly frosty ones. Mind you I’ve had about 3-4 hours broken sleep today and been up since 4:30am so maybe a little frazzled after the zpping today – we will see. Brain just wouldn’t shutdown at all last night :-(

      Hope you have a fantastic day too.

      HI & huga to all there.

  5. zcodd  Zoe Says:

    We were wondering what M and D was – decided it must be ‘Mum and Dad’ time after the kids were in bed – now we know – it is ‘Milo and Drugs’ !!
    Good to read your blogs and travel the journey with you, Sue and boys. Take care and stay positive. Hopefully I will catch up when down at the end of the month. Love to Sue. You have a wonderful and supportive family. xxx

    • southez  Headless Says:

      Mum & Dad time – That would mean communicating – I know I’m going to get a smack over the ear for that comment (please not the frying pan again – ouch!) ;-) – but as I’m not getting the blog done until the evening it is about the time I need the last dose of drugs for the eveening, and have my Milo – seen as I can’t have a vodka or bourbon – though that may make me sleep better! So routine is drugs, Milo, bed as exhausted.

      Hope you keep enjoying the blog – though it is now starting to get harder with the Chemo/Radiation starting to kick in more. But it is only the beginning – and this will be a long battle. WIll be lovely to see you then – more than welcome anytime.

      Take care, big hugs X